Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members

Level 1

Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members



I'm getting stuck with this problem. We send an email to ex-members with a birthday offer.


We have that automation correctly setup but a change is needed. We need to wait 1 year after they become ex-members and then, run the campaign. 


For example: 

Cancel DateBirthday Receives Email?
Mar 1, 2024Mar 2, 2024 (Too soon)
Mar 1, 2024Feb 28, 2026 (More than 1 year)


I can't seem to find a way to do this with the wait step. Does anyone know what I need to do or if there's another solution already written?


Thanks in advance and best regards.

Level 3 - Champion

Re: Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members

You can acchieve this by using two advanced wait steps clicking on the "use next annyversary of this date"


First do one waiting the cancellation anniversary date, then one waiting the birthday.

Level 1

Re: Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members

Thank you so much for your help @LucasMachado !

I like the way you're thinking but I've one question about something that I didn't fully explained: this email is sent every birthday.

Will this work for the years after the first email, right?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members

@ricky, check out this blog:


IMHO, the first method should do the trick for you.

Level 5 - Champion

Re: Birthday message for ex-members only after a year of becoming ex-members

I agreed with @Darshil_Shah1  , the blog post was great one! I would also go with the first method !