Re: Best way to track multiple UTM Parameters on Emails

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Best way to track multiple UTM Parameters on Emails

Any ideas on what would be the best scalable way to track 40+ UTM parameters on a single email?

This is for an e-commerce related email.

Any ideas will be highly appreciated.

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Re: Best way to track multiple UTM Parameters on Emails

Karina Guerra​ utm parameters are really tricky to manage. I use a copy of Giagnolo's campaign tracking worksheet,​ and only use one utm tracking campaign per email.

Are you promoting various offers within the same email, is that why you have so many?

How many clicks do you expect to have? Perhaps it may be easier to do the reporting/tracking *after* your email goes out, to avoid taking so much time setting up clicks that won't get clicked.

I would also look into using Bizible for campaign tracking, if this is something that you come across frequently. They are really great, and automate all of your multi-touch tracking for you! They are still in beta for their multi-touch, but they are super smart, and perhaps could provide some sort of guidance. Aaron and Andy are great peeps!