Re: Best practices for Programs

Level 4

Best practices for Programs

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I'm looking for some best practices for creating a global program hierarchy in Marketo Spanning across several regions across the globe. SFDC limitation is that all campaigns in a single hierarchy must have the same currency which could be a challenge if the global campaign hierarchy is grouped by growth themes globally. How is this circumvented in Marketo? I'm also looking for some best practices around campaign creation rights and processes, program reporting and general thumb rules around mandatory field values to be provided by a requestor when a request for program/campaign creation is logged. Thanks


Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Best practices for Programs

Sure, below are some best practices for creating a global programs in Marketo:

  • Use a consistent naming convention. This will make it easier to find and manage your programs, especially if you have a large number of them. The naming convention should include the program type, the region, and the year or month in which the program was created. For example, a program for a new product launch in Europe in 2023 might be named "NL2023-03-EU-NewProductLaunch."
  • Use folders to organize your programs. This will help you keep your program hierarchy clean and easy to navigate. You can create folders for different regions, product lines, or marketing campaigns.
  • Set up campaign creation rights and processes for users. This will help you ensure that only authorized users can create campaigns. You can also set up approval processes to ensure that all campaigns are reviewed before they are launched.
  • Use program reporting to track the performance of your campaigns. This will help you see which campaigns are successful and which ones need improvement. You can use the Marketo reporting tools such as appreciate program channel with meaningful statuses and success steps.
  • Require mandatory field values when a request for program/campaign creation is logged. This will help ensure that you have all the information you need to create a successful campaign. Although, this could vary from organization to organization, but some of the mandatory field values for program request might include the program name, the region, the start date, the end date, channel, and the budget.

Here are some tips for circumventing the Salesforce limitation that all campaigns in a single hierarchy must have the same currency:

  • Create separate hierarchies for each currency. This will allow you to create campaigns in different currencies without having to worry about conflicts.
  • Use a custom currency field. This will allow you to store the currency for each campaign in a separate field. This will allow you to track the performance of your campaigns in different currencies.

I hope these best practices are helpful. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Level 4

Re: Best practices for Programs

Thank you.

Are there any templates available (worksheets) for campaign/program framework?

Is there any problem in using underscores in the program names?

Level 10 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: Best practices for Programs

You could have a look at the templates included in this Marketing Nation post. They're a good starter IMO.

Is there any problem in using underscores in the program names?

Nope! As long as you don't use the following reserved characters in your Marketo programs and assets names, you should be good.

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