Behavior score clean up

Level 3

Behavior score clean up

A few months ago we installed the Marketo cookie on a separate sub-site that we run. We wanted to start collecting data for future use. What I forgot to do is make sure our current behavior score did not track the page views for that sub-site and add it to their score. Needless to say it took several months to notice and rectify the issue but in the meantime we ended with several hundred leads with insanely high behavior scores which is affecting the overall average. What I would like to do is find a way to remove the scores that were added based on page views for the sub-site. I haven't been able to find a way to calculate (other than manually going through each lead), the score that these leads received from those page visits. Does anyone know if there is a flow that basically does the following "Remove all scores related to visits to "x" pages".

I really do not want to have to clear their total behavior score.

Tags (2)
Level 10

Re: Behavior score clean up

HI Adrian,

If the number of leads is important and the number of visits is important as well, one way to do it would be to extract the activity log of these leads through the API and process the info outside of Marketo so that you would know, for each leads, how many points to substract.

The other would be to create smart list to capture people who did:

  • 1 and only 1 visit: -> substract N points
    • "visited web page" contains X
    • "Not visited web page" contains X, min number of times = 2
  • 2 and only 2 visits -> substract Nx2 points
    • "visited web page" contains X, min number of times = 2
    • "Not visited web page" contains X, min number of times = 3
  • 3 and only 3 visits -> substract Nx3 points
    • "visited web page" contains X, min number of times = 3
    • "Not visited web page" contains X, min number of times = 4

The issue you will have is that these queries will only work if the visits are not older than 90 days.
