Re: Beginner velocity scripting

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Level 3

Beginner velocity scripting

I'm trying to make a script for email that sets the expiration date for an offer 7 days from the send date. Here's what I have, but I can't seem to piece it together.

## Get a java Calendar

#set($x = $date.calendar)

## Add 24 hours (hours=int code 10 - see list below)


#set( $inTimeZone = $date.getTimeZone().getTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles') ) 

#set( $outTimeZone = $date.getTimeZone().getTimeZone('America/Los_Angeles') ) 

#set( $locale = $date.getLocale() ) 

#set( $myDate = $convert.parseDate($x.time,'MM-dd-yy HH:mm:ss',$locale,$inTimeZone) ) 

${date.format('MMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm a z',$myDate,$locale,$outTimeZone)} 

Ideally I'd like to format the output date to MMM dd, yyyy hh:ss PST.


Accepted Solutions
Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Have you included the common variables (the ones at the top of the blog post)?

View solution in original post

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Have you read this blog entry from earlier this week? Velocitips: Switch email content based on day/time

Level 3

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

I didn't see that, and I searched heavily for this answer. Anyway I tried that and nothing prints out. How do I get the date generated to show?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Tried what, though?

Also, to be clear about your goal, you aren't really "expiring" anything... you just want to display 7 days from the send time. (Whether the offer is still valid on a technical level sn't something Velocity can control unleas you're also using an expiring URL service.)

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

I added an example to the blog post that seems to be what you're looking for (scroll to the end).

I assume you don't really want


(12-hour hours:seconds)

but actually


(24-hour hours:minutes) or

hh:mm a

(12-hour hours:minutes AM/PM)

Level 3

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Thank you for this, something still seems to be wrong? This is what shows up what I plug that in the the Marketoemail script area:

"$calNow.add($calConst.DATE,7) Our promo expires 7 days from today, which is ${date.format( $FRIENDLY_24H_DATETIME_WITH_FRIENDLY_TZ, $calNow, $defaultLocale,$defaultTimeZone )} 11:59PM PST"

Sorry, I'm a beginner at velocity scripting and for whatever reason date/time scripts always seem super complicated .

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Have you included the common variables (the ones at the top of the blog post)?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

date/time scripts always seem super complicated .

That's not a bad thing! if they don't seem complicated, you're probably doing something wrong. Most examples are broken because people thought it was easy and they didn't test the edge cases.

Level 3

Re: Beginner velocity scripting

Thank you for that solution. That give me a good starting point for other date scripts too and now I have a working expiration date. These emails will be triggered so it is a continuous promotion, the date is just to add some urgency. The trouble I've had elsewhere when trying to figure it out was a lack of real world examples. I've saved your blog and imagine I'll be back to it sometime soon.