Re: Batch Email with Attachment

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Batch Email with Attachment

I have some experience using experience using postfix. We have a developer on the team that has more experience than I do that would be able to help. I thought about trying to parse the emails to XML but, I am not sure that would work.

Not sure what you mean about parsing to XML, that wouldn’t help (they’d just have to be encoded as standard MIME afterward).


The general sequence is:

  • use Send Alert instead of Send Email so you can send via your rerouting/rewriting server, encoding the original email address in a custom field (there’s a way to use Send Email but it’s highly complex, save that for a v2!)
  • parse the email to a MIME object on your server
  • add the attachment
  • re-sign the email (you must invalidate the original DKIM signature and create a new one)
  • send it to the final destination


Level 1

Re: Batch Email with Attachment

Thanks Sanford.

We will give this a shot. Our developer seems confident in being able to get this to work. Thanks again for the information.

Kevin Poust