Re: Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

Level 10

Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

I created a smart list of all inactive records in Marketo and I'm wondering if there's a way to have a system wide way of excluding them from all or any email campaigns without having to add them as a filter for each email campaign?
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Re: Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

You can select the leads on the list and do a flow action to change data value and make them marketing suspended.

That being said - I'd make sure that this is truly what you want - I'd suggest doing some focused campaigns to get them engaged - if you don't communicate with them they may never be active...
Level 10

Re: Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

Hi Clinton,

I actually thought about suspending them, however, at the moment those who are inactive are characterized as dead people, moved to another company and we don't have any info on where they went, or we can't track but also in the pool are those who are not doing anything with the emails. But we are going to run a campaign to weed out the truly inactive but has valid contact info to engage from the dead. 
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Re: Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

If you are an enterprise customer you could push those to another "Dead" partition - them simply limit emails to the leads in your primary partition.
Level 10

Re: Autmatically exlude inactive records from receiving all or any emails

Hi Clinton,

Nope just a Standard customer. 😞 I guess I'm missing out.