Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Level 3

Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

We are in the process of restructuring our instance to split out a highly used channel into more specific sub-channels for more accurate reporting. We are rebuilding ~250 programs but want to mark all of the successes in the old programs as successes in the new programs with their historic success date. We can export all of the contact records with their success dates in each program via RCE and can easily say what each of their new successes would be in each new program.

For example:


Old Program Name

Old Program Success Date

New Program Name

New Program Status

Is it possible (perhaps via API), to import these records in mass into the new programs and assign them success with the historic date?


Kim Burditt
Level 10

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

As far as I'm aware, the system membership fields related to programs can only be read and are write protected so you can't edit or specify date of success

A workaround would be to create your own custom field or custom object to record it

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

The Program Success Date can be changed in a flow. However, the problem is in automation. While the PSD appears to accept a {{lead.token}} -- so you could use a date field and have a trigger campaign run in response to a change to that field -- in my tests, it only works if hard-coded. Which, to put it mildly, doesn't scale.

EDIT: Let me retest this, the token may work but there's another blocker. I did retest and my memory holds.. the token doesn't work for me, only a hard-coded date.

Level 10

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

There's no such field available in filters or flows called Program Success Date in our instance. Are you sure you're not looking at a custom field?

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Not at all, this is a standard flow step.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

I did retest with a Date {{lead.token}} and continue to find that it doesn't work, despite no red squiggly. So it doesn't really suffice.

Level 10

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Honestly did not know that was there, went straight to APIs

Level 10

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Sanford Whiteman Are you getting the reachedSuccessDate from get leads by program Id? I'm not seeing it even though reachedSuccess = true

as per docs:


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Tbh I didn't check the API for reading the info. Kim said she'd be exporting from the UI, so the reading part was taken care of.

I can look at this at some point. Wouldn't be surprised if my findings mirror yours. Do you concur that a {{lead.token}} is not functional in the flow, while a hard-coded date with the same value works?

Level 10

Re: Attribution Help: Map old program successes to new programs via API

Yes that looks to be the case.

I tried with no luck a {{my.token}} as well in hope of using the trigger smart campaign api with variable token values.