Re: Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

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Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

We're uploading 6 lists with no more than 50 people in each and it's been taking over 6 hours. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same issue.

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Re: Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

Yes, we're experiencing the same thing.  Happening for the last 2-3 days now.  Uploads spin for greater than 5 hours at times.  Last upload I started was at 12:05 AM and it shows completed via my notification at 5:05 AM and only had 485 records.

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Re: Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

Glad to hear we're not the only ones experiencing this slowdown. Have you already submitted a support ticket about it?

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Re: Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

we've had engineering P1 attention on it since yesterday. Are lists are taking in some cases 16 hours to complete but we do a ton of batch and blast email promotions so we keep importing all day. The system seems to be in same state as yesterday. I can confirm others have issues as well across multiple companies. It is also slowing done API calls.

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Re: Anyone experiencing slow Marketo performance today? 9/7/17

We ended up submitting a ticket for this and was resolved over the weekend. List uploads are very quick now! I asked what was causing the slowdown, but Marketo did not provide reasoning behind the issue. Here's the last message I received from Support:

"We are seeing that with the patch in place, the backlog has now cleared, and the issue is resolved."