Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

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Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

I'm having to export a list of Marketo programs, export a list of SFDC Campaigns run vlookups and then cross-my-fingers for a 1:1 naming-convention match--which isn't always the case.

For the most part, all of our Marketo programs should sync to their respective SFDC Campaign directly from the program setup; instructions on syncing to SFDC Campaigns are included in Job Aids for our Marketo Users, it's a step in our program execution QA process, but occasionally have found discrepancies and would like to prevent as best as we can.

Is there a quicker solution to audit or an automated means to enforce that we can implement?

Suggestions greatly appreciated! 🙂

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Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

Carla Thomas​ Carla Thomas​

Great question. I moved your post to the Products and Support​ section.

Also, I see you have multiple accounts with us. Can you add the word 'Primary' next to the title of your primary account like I did with my profile.

We just want to make sure we know which account to use if we need to contact you. Thanks,

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Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

Scott K. Wilder​ I'm having the same issue. Also noted in this thread: Marketo Program not syncing to Salesforce

Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?

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Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

Jackie Gragnola​ Have you checked this doc out.

Understanding the Salesforce Sync - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

Also, there is a section on SFDC Sync errors which you might want to check out.

How to Match Program Statuses and Salesforce Campaign Statuses Prior to Sync - Marketo Docs - Produc...

Maybe tell us more about what's not working and we can help out.

Level 8

Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

Okay, I know I'm an outlier on this BUT I personally don't use the auto-sync to Marketo campaign feature because 1) I've had issues with it matching to campaign statuses DESPITE matching my channel tags to the campaign steps 2) I'm partially convinced that when the API is overloaded for SFDC, the statuses aren't synced which is important. Soooooo I solve this by 1) Creating all my SFDC campaigns from cloned templates; this also enables you to add in cost and parent campaigns which are SUPER important if you're doing any sort of campaign reporting. and 2) then manually syncing the statuses in my flow steps; chances are if you're setting up programs correctly you're also creating flow steps for program statuses so it's not necessarily MORE work. I totally get that most people don't agree with this approach but I haven't experienced the same sync issues as other people have had with the auto-sycn. Also you get the added benefit of not overloading your salesforce API since you only have a limited number of calls per day.

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Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

Hi Carla,

Thanks a great question - and a tough one to answer because Marketo doesn't have a way to report on the synced SFDC campaign - AT ALL!! I've looked all over reports in the Analytics section and there's nothing. At best you could create a Smart List of Leads "Member of SFDC Campaign" but even then you MUST actually specify which campaign you'd like to lookup.

So I haven't been able to find an automated audit report or a list that you could run.


Instead, I've seen companies do similar things to what you're already doing:

  • Run parallel reports (Marketo Programs + SFDC Campaign) and compare the two
  • Do all campaign level reporting in SFDC, so that Marketo Users HAVE TO pay attention to SFDC - including comparing their goals to actuals in campaign membership and performance.
  • Have a custom field on campaign in SFDC that links back to the Marketo Program - this is kind of a reverse lookup and could serve as a great way to cross-reference your programs/campaigns. The downside to this is that you can't auto-populate this field from Marketo (at least I haven't been able to figure it out), and a human has to paste the link back to Marketo. It's an extra step that might make it easier to cross-reference the two.

Hope that helps - and I hope even more that Marketo builds out this functionality some day.

Level 8

Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

I definitely always cross-check sfdc stats against marketo stats for every campaign because hypothetically they should always match (depending on when you sync/assign in SFDC). The third point you bring up is INCREDIBLY valid and I actually have created a custom field on my campaigns so that they match my tags in Marketo so I can actually pull the reports in the same manner. But, again, totally manual, but ALWAYS worth it.


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Re: Any tips on how to best audit (and then enforce) which Marketo programs are synced to SFDC Campaigns?

I wish the tags synced automagically, like the rest of Marketo SFDC sync.