We have a program set up with a flow step to alert our lead manager and the social media team when someone fills out a Facebook form. We checked a smart list to see that someone did fill out the form and the lead was created in Marketo with all the appropriate statuses but the alert was never delivered. Checking the lead's activity log confirmed that the alert was never sent. Our lead manager is getting alerts for other web forms so is there something extra that needs to happen with these external forms before the alerts work? Here are screenshots of our smart list and flow steps in case there's actually a mistake in there somewhere.
Stepping back a tiny bit - is their Program Status getting updated?
...so is there something extra that needs to happen with these external forms before the alerts work?
No, but the SC Setup has to allow them to run through every time. This is the most common reason that someone who has an activity in their Activity Log (please show us that) appears to be ignoring a Smart Campaign.