Alerts Not Coming Through

Level 2

Alerts Not Coming Through

I've set up a program that includes sending an alert when a lead fills out a form. The alert goes to 3 members of my team -- we haven't gotten any alerts (checked spam and quarantine too). I can see from the results tab that marketo THINKS it is sending alerts --- any suggestions?
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Marketo Employee

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Hey Devan,

Off the top of my head, my best quess would be that you may have put your email address in the 'To:' field instead of the 'To Other Emails:' field.  Emails which are not to the Lead Owner or Account owner need to be in that field.  If this is not the case, you might want to submit a support case with a link to the campaign in question so we can take a look at this for you.
Level 2

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

My emails are in the correct field unfortunately!
Not applicable

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Can you provide a screenshot of the Activity Log and of your flow?
Not applicable

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Is Marketo whitelisted? If so, please double check with your IT team whether it is up to date.

Jeff's question is the safest route is Marketo is already whitelisted.
Not applicable

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Maybe this a global communications limit issue?
Level 4

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

I just had this same issue, the alert was working just fine and then all of a sudden it stopped.

The issue was that I had added a recipient to the alert and typed their email incorrectly (without the Once I fixed their email it worked like a charm.

Level 5

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Try sending to a gmail or other address outside of your work domain. If that works, you know it's a quarantine issue. Also, make sure the email alert headers are correct and complete (including an email subject). And as others have mentioned, triple check for typos on the email addresses.

We also had issues with alert deliverability. I set up a gmail address with the sole purpose of receiving alerts and test emails and forwarding them to my work address. That works every time (until I hit communication limits).

Level 4

Re: Alerts Not Coming Through

Yep, email alerts deliverability seems to be an issue even when white-listing Marketo. We also have some just not popping up for random reasons.