Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

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Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

I have an Alert setup that notifies me of new conversions on any form.  I have added a Trigger though on my Smart List for Fills Out Form - Not Contains - Unsubscribe.  That didnt work, so I added Fills Out Form - Form Name Is Not - Unsubscribe Form.

My smart list is set to use All, but I still get Unsubscribes through this Alert.  I'm apparently doing something wrong, but I'm puzzled to know what.  It seems very straight forward.
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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

Multiple triggers will always use "or" logic, even if you set it to use all. You can only use all with filters, but any one of those triggers will cause leads to request the smart campaign. Plus, the Fills out form is Any trigger is unnecessary anyway. If you just have one trigger that says "Fills Out Form is Not Unsubscribe", that is all you need. You will be alerted when any form is filled out other than the unsubscribe form.

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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

Does your smart list have multiple triggers? If so, each one is treated with "or" logic. So if you have:

- Fills out Form is Any
- Fills out Form Not Contains Unsubscribe
- Fills out Form is Not Unsubscribe

you would still receive notifications due to the first trigger. If you were to delete that trigger, it would work.

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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

It does have multiple triggers, but I have the rule logic set to use All, so it uses And rather than or.
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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

Multiple triggers will always use "or" logic, even if you set it to use all. You can only use all with filters, but any one of those triggers will cause leads to request the smart campaign. Plus, the Fills out form is Any trigger is unnecessary anyway. If you just have one trigger that says "Fills Out Form is Not Unsubscribe", that is all you need. You will be alerted when any form is filled out other than the unsubscribe form.
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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

Ahh, didnt know that about triggers.  Good to know.  They need to add AND logic for filters, but I assume there must be a valid reason not to if they havent already.  I'll give this a shot.

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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

You can implement an "AND" condition with multiple triggers by adding a corresponding filter for each trigger and chosing "Use ALL filters"
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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

Are you sure Elliott? That hasn't been my experience. Maybe I'm wrong, but here is the documentation: 
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Re: Alert not ignorning Unsubscribe form?

I should have clariefied that you can "approximate" an "AND" condition. Only one trigger will fire, but the filters will evaluate that all the field values referenced in the other triggers are set to the desired values.