Re: Adding token to email alert about form fill when person selects multiple areas of interest

Level 1

Adding token to email alert about form fill when person selects multiple areas of interest

I'm a little new to creating forms on Marketo and I am unsure what to do. I've created a form with multiple "areas of interest" checkboxes that someone can select. I want to notify the right sales team leader in an email when someone selects 1 or more areas of interest. How do I do that?


This is what I have so far in the email. I just need a token/tokens for an area of interest or multiple selections?

First Name: {{lead.First Name:default=edit me}}
Last Name: {{lead.Last Name:default=edit me}}
Email: {{lead.Email Address:default=edit me}}
Company Name: {{company.Company Name:default=edit me}}
Number of Employees: {{company.Num Employees:default=edit me}}
Zip Code: {{lead.Postal Code:default=edit me}}
Phone Number: {{lead.Phone Number:default=edit me}}

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Adding token to email alert about form fill when person selects multiple areas of interest

Is Area of Interest a single String or Textarea field in the database? And you're using a single Checkboxes group to populate it on the form side?

Level 4

Re: Adding token to email alert about form fill when person selects multiple areas of interest

@jschochet1 - My understanding after reading the post is that you want to send the alert to different sales person based on the value(s) of "Area of Interest". 

Lets suppose values of checkboxes are - 
- Value 1 

- Value 2

- Value 3


To send alert, you can use send alert flow step and instead of using multiple choices in single flow step, use multiple flowsteps with single choice like shown in screenshot given below. This will cover the case if someone selected more than 1 value in the form, using such setup you will be able to send multiple alerts to different sales people based on the values. 

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 6.03.34 PM.png


Aother thing, I can understand is that you are asking how to add the values stored in Area of Interest in alert email. You can do that by simply adding the token of the same. {{lead.areaOfInterest}} - Please note that token can be different based on the name of the field in your instance. 


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: Adding token to email alert about form fill when person selects multiple areas of interest

@jschochet1 please return to your thread and check responses.