I am using a wordpress page and adding a Marketo embed code. I'd like to restrict the email addresses so that people with a gmail/yahoo address cannot fill out the form. How would I go about adding the script? Would it be on the wordpress page or between the embed code?
<script> | |
(function (){ | |
// Please include the email domains you would like to block in this list | |
var invalidDomains = ["@gmail.","@yahoo.","@hotmail.","@live.","@aol.","@outlook."]; | |
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form){ | |
form.onValidate(function(){ | |
var email = form.vals().Email; | |
if(email){ | |
if(!isEmailGood(email)) { | |
form.submitable(false); | |
var emailElem = form.getFormElem().find("#Email"); | |
form.showErrorMessage("Must be Business email.", emailElem); | |
}else{ | |
form.submitable(true); | |
} | |
} | |
}); | |
}); | |
function isEmailGood(email) { | |
for(var i=0; i < invalidDomains.length; i++) { | |
var domain = invalidDomains[i]; | |
if (email.indexOf(domain) != -1) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
} | |
return true; | |
} | |
})(); | |
</script> |
Solved! Go to Solution.
Scripts that make use of the MktoForms2 object need to load after the <script> that loads forms2.min.js. That can mean directly after the standard embed code, but never before.
This code is pretty broken because it will (erroneously) stop sandy@live.marketo.com and won't stop sandy@GMAIL.com (it is case-sensitive while domain names are in fact case-insensitive).
So I would recommend using the improved code that I've supplied in the past -- search my posts.
Scripts that make use of the MktoForms2 object need to load after the <script> that loads forms2.min.js. That can mean directly after the standard embed code, but never before.
This code is pretty broken because it will (erroneously) stop sandy@live.marketo.com and won't stop sandy@GMAIL.com (it is case-sensitive while domain names are in fact case-insensitive).
So I would recommend using the improved code that I've supplied in the past -- search my posts.
Thanks for this. I haven't been able to find the code you provided. However, I am using the code above and adding it after the embed code and still personal emails aren't being blocked. Any thoughts?
Your code is a bit messy but try this:
MktoForms2.loadForm("https://app-sj02.marketo.com", "123-YEF-028", 2209, function(form) {
var z = ["@hotmail.co","@gmail.com","@yahoo.co","@live.co","@aol.co","@outlook.co"];
var e = form.getFormElem().find("#Email");
form.onValidate(function() {
var em = form.vals().Email.toLowerCase();
for(i=0; i < z.length ; i++) {
if (em.indexOf(z[i]) != -1) {
form.showErrorMessage("Please enter a business email", e);
} else {
e[0].addEventListener("blur", function(){
N.B. Please add jQuery library to the header
jQuery always exists if MktoForms2 exists, so no need to load it separately: MktoForms2.$ is the bundled jQuery library.
Not that you need $ anyway, though:
e[0].addEventListener("blur", function(){
Try to keep framework use to a minimum, because it implies that functionality depends on it, when everything can be done in standard DOM events + methods now. (A jQuery wrapper object is required by form.showErrorMessage, unfortunately.)
Matching an array of domains (i.e. EOL-anchored string matches) is most efficiently implemented via regex and Array#some.
var email = "sandy@hotmail.com",
domains = ["@hotmail.com","@gmail.com"],
domainMatch = domains.some(function(domain){
var re_domain = domain.replace(/\./g,"\\.") + "$";
return new RegExp(re_domain,"i").test(email);
Thanks for the pointers. Haven't gotten my head around regex yet. So final would be something like this?
MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form){
var z = ["@hotmail.co","@gmail.com","@yahoo.co","@live.co","@aol.co","@outlook.co"];
var e = form.getFormElem().find("#Email");
form.onValidate(function() {
var em = form.vals().Email.toLowerCase();
var y = z.some(function(domain){
var x = domain.replace(".","\\.") + "$";
return new RegExp(x,"i").test(em);
form.showErrorMessage("Please enter a business email", e);
} else {
e[0].addEventListener("blur", function(){
var email = "sandy@aol.co.uk",
domains = [/@hotmail\.com$/, /@gmail\.com$/, /@aol\.co\..+/],
domainMatch = domains.some(function(re_domain){
return new RegExp(re_domain,"i").test(email);
new RegExp(<RegExp>,"i") gets a case-insensitive RegExp based on the input RegExp, which adds some overhead but does save you from adding /i everywhere.
Don't know what you're trying to do with ".co". Freemail providers haven't registered every hostname that starts with the strings "live.co" or "outlook.co" (nor could they). The address sandy@outlook.corpsecurity.net isn't a Microsoft-operated address, or example.
Understood. Though the intention was to pick up outlook.com.au, outlook.com.sg, outlook.co.uk etc... regardless, the matching criteria can be edited later and improved.
So is this the code i should add to my wordpress page?
Add the below script with your munchkin and form id details and edit var domains with the domains you want to block.
If you want to follow Sanford's suggestion to add domains directly as a regex expressions, you'd need to make further edits.
MktoForms2.loadForm("https://app-####.marketo.com", "###-###-###", formid, function(form) {
var domains = ["@hotmail.com","@gmail.com","@yahoo.com","@live.com","@aol.com","@outlook.com"];
var emailEle = form.getFormElem().find("#Email");
form.onValidate(function() {
var e = form.vals().Email;
var result = domains.some(function(domain){
var re_domain = domain.replace(".","\\.") + "$";
return new RegExp(re_domain,"i").test(e);
form.showErrorMessage("Please enter a business email", emailEle);
} else {
emailEle[0].addEventListener("blur", function(){