Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Level 4

Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Hey, all!  Happy Friday!

Let's say you upload a list of contacts into a static list and include the static list in a campaign flow.  The campaign flow dictates you're sending three emails to this static list.  You activate the campaign, and the first email is sent. 

Then your boss wants to add more contacts to the static list.  If you add more contacts to your static list, will they receive the first email retroactively?  Or will they start by receiving the second email when it's sent?  Or will they not receive any emails at all?  Please advise.

Thank you!

Not applicable

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Hey Nick!

If you're running a batch campaign (one time send), only those who qualify for the smart list at the time you're running the campaign will get the email. That means if you add people to the list later, they won't automatically get the email. If you use a trigger for "added to list" then anyone who gets added to the list will get sent to the flow as soon as they are added to the list.

Hope that helps!

Level 4

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Thanks, Jamie!  That does help.  So if I set up the "Added to List" trigger campaign, and those contacts get sent to the flow, what email will they start receiving - the 1st or the 2nd?

Not applicable

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

They will go directly to the first flow step, so if your first flow step is to send the first email, they will get the first email.

Level 4

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Even if it's after the original send date?

Not applicable

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Hey Nick! I'll break it down a little more...hopefully this clarifies!

I'm assuming this is the situation: You send a one-time email using a one-time batch campaign in Marketo. You know it's a batch because it uses filters (not triggers which are displayed by the lightening bolt symbol) and you run it once and you're done. Your smart list of the campaign is probably "member of list."

You run the campaign. Everyone on the list goes to the flow on the date and time you run the campaign.

Then you add people to your list. Marketo will not automatically send any of those new leads the email UNLESS:

1) You created a separate trigger campaign using the trigger "Added to list" which automatically sends someone the email

2) Your initial batch campaign is recurring. Meaning, every night it looks for anyone who qualifies for the smart list and sends them to the flow. Make sure leads can only qualify for the smart campaign once.

If you don't have either of the above going on, then you would either need to implement one of the above OR you could create a new batch campaign and send to anyone on the list who hasn't received the email. Does that help?

Level 4

Re: Adding Contacts to Static List in Active Campaign

Yes, that does.  Thank you!