Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

Level 7

Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

Had anyone else noticed that "Add to Engagement Program" flow steps are not logged in Campaign Inspector? Add to List and Add to SFDC Campaign are there but not Add to Engagement Program - unless I'm losing it.

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Level 10

Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

If you search for the word Engagement, you should be able to find them:


Level 7

Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

Hi Frank -

Good thought and I had already tried that, too. It didn't work. Since, based on your screenshot, it works for you, perhaps I'll log a case with Marketo Support.

Thank you,


Level 10

Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

I found a solution that should work better, in the Campaign Inspector, click Export to Excel, give it a few mins to download. Once downloaded open up in Excel then press Ctrl + F (Cmd + F for Mac) and search for Add to Engagement Program, once I did that, it gave me a more comprehensive list. I'd still flag that the search does not work to Marketo, but I'd guess that is a bigger problem if both of us are experiencing the issue.

Level 7

Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

Hi Frank -

That was a great suggestion and I found a lot more of the campaigns with Add to Engagement Program that way but it's still incomplete. And the reason I was looking was to find all the instances where this flow exists in unexpected places. I have logged a support ticket with Marketo and will report back.


Level 7

Re: Add to Engagement Program Missing from Campaign Inspector

Hi Frank -

I heard back from Marketo Support and it turns out that you have to search for "Add to Nurture" in Campaign Inspector in order to find "Add to Engagement Program" flow steps. The person I was working with in Support is not sure why it works this way but I confirmed he is right.
