Re: 'Add to calendar' link

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Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

... should divulge that you work for the company, plus linking to your own product site is no longer allowed on the Nation...

Level 1

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

Hi Sanford, 

I am trying to come up with a solution on how to include the member url token in a calendar invite not using the calendar invite token within Marketo. This icalendar token did not work for a few email clients. Since then, I have created calendar invites via a tool called Eventable, but you cannot add a Marketo token that will populate.

Any suggestions here? I see you have a lot of posts on this so I thought I would start with you. 


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

Level 1

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

I actually found this article and was trying to build a custom link, but was confused by some of the coding in the link is specific to google calendar, so I thought maybe that meant the calendar invite would only work for google calendars. Is this true? 

Here is what my link looks like so far:{{my.Event-Title}};dtstart={{my.Event-Date}}T{{my.Event-Time}}:00z;format=gcal;location={{member.webinar url}}

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

If you switch the `format` param, that changes between Google and ICS.

Level 1

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

Got it - how many options should I include and is there a specific naming convention for these formats that I need to follow? 

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 'Add to calendar' link

`format=gcal` overrides the default, which is ICS. Not sure what other options you're asking about? Also, would be better to ask the Qs in the blog comment area, methinks. Or maybe a fresh thread here.

Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 'Add to calendar' link with TEAMs meetings


Has anyone managed to have a successful solution for ADD TO CALENDAR with a TEAMS meeting?


Level 9 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: 'Add to calendar' link with TEAMs meetings - using ADDEVENT

With some testing, the works.
This is ideal for smaller events we are running on TEAMS to a customer audience.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Re: 'Add to calendar' link with TEAMs meetings - using ADDEVENT

Agical works fine for  a Teams link, too.