I haven't had to add an authorized support contact in some time and it was relatively easy to find and update in the past. Where do we go now to add someone as an authorized support contact?
Hi Robert,
One person in you instance is the authorized support admin and can add other instance users as support contacts. If you do not know who that person is or if that person has left the company, email to marketocares@marketo.com
There are a lot of issues with the mechanism, though, from my experience. I often cannot access support on my customer instances and it takes forever to get it fixed. (OI have case as with speak that has been lasting since April...)
I ran into the same issue with support not loading for our customers. We figured out if you clear your cookies, it will load.
Hi Robert Pugh, in the support portal where you submit cases you should see a tab to manage authorized contacts and then there will be a list of your users who you can select from. If you don't see this tab, you might not be authorized to select authorized contacts, but you can fix that by opening a support ticket.
I can view that and should be able to add a user, but the one I want to add is not available.
Sounds like they possibly do not have a profile in the Nation yet. Have that user click the button in their instance to open the Nation which will automatically create their account. They should also go into their profile to make sure their phone number and email address are up to date to help them contact Support in the future.
Yep. That seems to have been the issue.
I do not have the option 'manage authorized contacts' in 'My Cases' page, as per the screen image above? How do i add someone else please?
Hi Laura,
It looks like you have two records in our system which is affecting your ability to manage your contacts. Please email marketocares@marketo.com and someone will be able to fix for you.