Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

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Activities not showing in SalesForce


We recently held a webinar and I ran a smart campaign to make sure that everyone who attended was in the campaign and their status was changed to attended, Then ran another smart campaign to create a completed task in Salesforce last Friday.  The report says that it was completed for 108 people , but the tasks are not there for a bunch of them.  The report in salesforce is also showing that only 70 attended the webcast which is also not correct.  Does anyone know why this may be?

Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

Have you confirmed that all of the attendees are synced to SalesForce? If they are Marketo-only leads, it would explain why no task was created and why the SalesForce attendee report is wrong.
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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

I am checking the ones that the activites did not get created for, They are in salesforce, does it matter if they are a lead or a contact?

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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

No, Lead/Contact should not matter. In your flow step that created the task - were there any constraints? On the report that shows it was completed for 108 people, did you drill into the details? 108 people may have run through the Smart Campaign, but that doesn't mean they all received a task depending on the flow you have set up.

Regarding attendee status - Did the attendees have their status changed to "Attended" after they were pushed to SalesForce?

I would try making a list and put all of the attendees in it. Select the names and remove them from the Webinar program. Then select the names again and add them back with the status of "Attended". This should ensure all statuses are up to date in SFDC.
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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

No there are no constraints on the task.  The flow to change the status to attended if they are in the list of attendees, is Add to SFDC Campaign, Campaign is WEbinar 041813, Status: Attended

As for attendee status, I am not sure what you are asking.  This event was created in WebEx in the meeting center as opposed to the Event center.  From what I understand marketo doesnt communicate with the meeting center and that is why we run the smart campaigns for these kinds of events.

Does that make sense?
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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

That makes sense. Without seeing the set-up, it's difficult to diagnose further. Perhaps your SFDC reached a limit of API calls? I'm not sure. Marketo support may be able to help!
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Re: Activities not showing in SalesForce

Thanks for your help Delinda!  I really appreciate it!