Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

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Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Thanks for this - now to clarify something.

If I set the Flow as "If Acqusition Program is Empty THAN Set New Value" for Acqusition Program - you mentioned in your comment in the previous thread that you have to hardcore in a value here.

My problem is, if I filter using "If Filled Out Form =" and then change value for each Form Fill Out, what if a Lead has filled out multiple forms? How do I figure out which form was first and therefore which program should get credit?


Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

what if a lead has filled out multiple forms?

can you provide a screenshot of how you would set this up?


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

You can only have one acquisition program and it should be the first one that a lead encounters.  The flow that is set up is to ensure that you only change the acquisition program value if it is empty.  You do not want to keep changing it.  Only in rare instances would you change out an acquisition program. 

Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Correct, but what if a Lead has filled out multiple forms and also has Acquisition Program missing? I'm trying to go back and retroactively fill out this field, but a lot of our leads have filled out multiple forms - how do I make sure the first one gets credit?

Level 3

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Hey Malik,

You ever find the ideal solution for your problem? I have a similar one - but instead of knowing all the form fillouts, I know all the SFDC campaigns associated.

I've inherited a newer Marketo instance recently with a lot of unassigned leads/contacts from SFDC campaigns. We use Marketo RCE to do attribution now, so I need to retroactively assign Acquisition Program and create some placeholder programs that I can sync a SFDC campaign to.

Figuring this out sounds similar to your "my lead has multiple forms, but I want to assign an Acquisition Program based on the first form", except replace "form" with "SFDC campaign".

Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?


To do a retroactive correction of leads missing acquisition program, you can look into your leads with the system fields for Registration Source Type and Info, here is just an example i grabbed from Lead Database:

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 11.51.35 AM.png

The form name in Source Info includes the program name first so you can do a correction with a batch campaign looking at all leads who have "Acquisition Program is Empty" and then run a Change Data Value flow step with choices on Registration Source Info, e.g. If Registration Source Info contains the program name, you assign that as the Acquisition Program:

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 11.57.50 AM.png

Here I would recommend to use the "Acquisition Program" attribute and not "Acquisition Program Name" so you can choose Acquisition Program from a picklist to ensure it is correct.

Make sure if you run these batches that you always include the filter for leads with no Acquisition Program (so you ensure you are only correcting those that are empty):

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 12.01.23 PM.png

Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?
