Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

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Level 8

Acquisition Program not being recorded?

hey guys,

i created a smart list with the purpose of showing me all new names we've had in Marketo for the past 4 months. With the date filter on, I didn't get any results. When I removed the date filter, I was able to see that the last new name we've gotten according to Marketo was in February 2016, which is clearly not right.

Any reason why acquisition program isn't being correctly identified when a new name enters our database?

also, what's the best way to find out how many net-new names have entered MKTO in the past 4 months from only certain programs?


Accepted Solutions
Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?


To do a retroactive correction of leads missing acquisition program, you can look into your leads with the system fields for Registration Source Type and Info, here is just an example i grabbed from Lead Database:

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 11.51.35 AM.png

The form name in Source Info includes the program name first so you can do a correction with a batch campaign looking at all leads who have "Acquisition Program is Empty" and then run a Change Data Value flow step with choices on Registration Source Info, e.g. If Registration Source Info contains the program name, you assign that as the Acquisition Program:

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 11.57.50 AM.png

Here I would recommend to use the "Acquisition Program" attribute and not "Acquisition Program Name" so you can choose Acquisition Program from a picklist to ensure it is correct.

Make sure if you run these batches that you always include the filter for leads with no Acquisition Program (so you ensure you are only correcting those that are empty):

Screen Shot 2016-11-20 at 12.01.23 PM.png

View solution in original post

Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Hi Malik,

Are you using embedded forms on your website? If so you need to define Acquisition Program and Date yourself.

You can set up a Data Management Smart Campaign to automatically assign Acquisition Program based on form with a Change Data Value flow step (with If Empty choice) and a Change Data Value for Acquisition Date with {{system.dateTime}} (also If Empty choice).


Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

will this take care of retroactive leads as well or only leads moving forward?

Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

also does there need to be a separate campaign for each acquisition program?

Level 10

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Hi Malik,

It will take care of the future.

For the past, use a lead was created filter, with "form name" constraint.


Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Okay, so I did that - but my question is, for Form, can I select "is any" and then use a token in the Flow to automatically add the correct acquisition program, or do I have to go through each form and manually enter in the acquisition program?

Level 10

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Hi Malik,

I am afraid you will need to add a smart campaign for each form.


Level 8

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

"You can set up a Data Management Smart Campaign to automatically assign Acquisition Program based on form with a Change Data Value flow step (with If Empty choice) and a Change Data Value for Acquisition Date with {{system.dateTime}} (also If Empty choice)."

can you clarify the above? does this mean that a smart campaign will have to be created for every non-MKTO LP form moving forward?

Level 10

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

Smart campaign will look like this:

smart list:

  • Trigger: fills out form, form is [Name of the form you want to track]. If this is a shared form, you will have to add a constraint: referer IS URL of the web page the form is embedded on (since these are embedded ones)


  • Change Data Value
    • Choices: If Acquisition Program Name Is empty - Attribute IS acquisition program - New value is [program in which the smart campaign is located]
    • Default: do nothing

Normally, this should be enough, as when the acquisition program is set, the date is also computed.


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Acquisition Program not being recorded?

See my replies in this thread: Re: Acquisition Program Name and Date Not Automatically Set

Note, that the answer marked "correct" here is slightly incorrect in that you cannot evaluate if "Acquisition Program" is empty.  You must use the slightly different attribute, "Acquisition Program Name" - which I clarified further on in the thread.