The qualification rules within the Schedule tab applies to people qualifying for that specific smart campaign - not for activity based engagement like filling out a form again. I would do another test. But before you do that, clear your cookies and test in incognito mode using a unique test email address not in Marketo.
I’ve cleared the cookies, opened a new incognito and used a completely random email, and still nothing. I even signed up using my phone, completely random email and still nothing. One thing I did notice in the activity log is with the random email I used is one of the last activities is “Change Data Value” it says Skipped “Do Nothing” was set for this choice. Is that right. According to the flow, I would think something would happen.
It seems like I did the exact same thing you did, but am missing something, is that right? Would this have anything to do with hidden fields on the form?
James Zolinski
Marketing Operations Manager
Direct: 602-601-5833
I figured out your issue. You are not using the "is empty" evaluator. You have "IS" as the evaluator and "EMPTY" as the value name. It should look like this:
OMG, I can’t believe that, thank you so much Dan for your help. I was wondering why my CDV flow looked a little different from yours with the extra field, and that explains it. If only I would have scrolled down farther I would have seen “is empty”.
I tested it and it worked.
If I understand this correct, the way I had, the system was looking for APN with the name “Empty” as the APN vs looking for APN fields that are empty. So in the future, the “is”, is best used to find specific AP’s, account number, person status, and then assign a new value to, correct?
Thanks again so much Dan!
That’s correct, James. I suppose “NULL” may have worked - but definitely not “empty”. Always use ”Is Empty” if that option is available (to test for empty values).
One last question for you Dan. It was mentioned previously by Seanin this thread that the since the AD date/time is automatically generated, a CDV for AD is not necessary, as opposed to how your flow does include a CDV for AD. Is that true and should I remove that from my flow?
I didn't include AD in my example above. And that's right, any time AP program is defined, Marketo will automatically put the current datetime in the AD field. No need to include it as a CDV flow step.
Also Dan shared earlier that you don't need to set the AP Date, this happens automatically when the AP Name is updated via the AP proxy field.
Would it make sense to set this at a "master level" instead of the program level? The only downside I see is if there is no program for campaigns. Smart List
You need to do it at the program level. Smart campaigns use the tokens from the campaign they're triggered in.