Re: A/B test smart campaign may not be activated with a warning in the smart list

Level 1

A/B test smart campaign may not be activated with a warning in the smart list

I am A/B testing one email program. But I wasn't able to activate the progression step - trigger campaigns that capture email delivered, open emails, click emails, and unsubscribe. It keeps showing "smart campaign may not be activated with a warning in the smart list". When I checked the smart list, there are red lines under the email name but the program naming convention is right. Seems like the trigger campaign under the progression step has trouble capturing the email program name so there is always a right line. I tried to clone from a campaign that has never added an A/B test, the progression trigger campaigns work perfectly fine.


Does anyone experience a similar issue? How do you get it fixed?




Felicia Tan
Level 7 - Community Advisor + Adobe Champion

Re: A/B test smart campaign may not be activated with a warning in the smart list

Without seeing your setup, is the email you're referencing in the smart campaign approved (green checkmark)?