~340k leads that need to be synced to SFDC

Level 2 - Champion Alumni

~340k leads that need to be synced to SFDC

Hi all,


Cleaning an inherited system, cleaning up the scar tissue.


Question 1 - Based on our system's sync capabilities via the "Sync to SFDC" flow step, I can sync around 530 an hour. Other options:

-Sync ~6k overnight each night until completed

-Export all leads, load to SFDC, duplicates synced back to Marketo, then deduped via Marketo's merge service.

-Export all leads, delete leads in Marketo, load to SFDC, leads synced back to Marketo (would rather not do this as we would lose Marketo activity history)


Any other ideas? Option 1 would take a very long time and the other options might overload the system and clog up current trigger campaigns. We want 1:1 leads in Marketo:SFDC so we can fully utilize our global sync.


Question 2 - How do we automatically sync leads from Marketo to SFDC? Is it a trigger campaign with a flow step or is there a reason that we don't have leads going from Marketo to SFDC?


Thank you,



Marketo Employee

Re: ~340k leads that need to be synced to SFDC

I'd recommend using SFDC Campaign Sync.  Make a program in Marketo, link it to a SFDC Campaign created just for this purpose, add everyone to the program, and let the background sync handle it.  It will create a new Lead for any record not currently synced with Salesforce.  You'll use much fewer API calls that way than using the Sync Lead to SFDC flow step and it can perform the operations in batches rather than a single record at a time like a Smart Campaign does.  It will create a backlog on your global sync for the duration, however, so you may want to add people to the program in batches.

Marketo wont insert net new Leads into SFDC unless they are added A) added to a program synced with a SFDC campaign or B) a campaign runs them through a SFDC related flow step (like Sync to SFDC, Add to SFDC Campaign, etc). 

Level 2 - Champion Alumni

Re: ~340k leads that need to be synced to SFDC

Thanks for the quick reply Steven. I did a test and added a few hundred of the 340k leads to the Marketo campaign that is synced to SFDC at 1pm PT, and at 4pm PT there are still no leads in the adjacent SFDC campaign. Any ideas why?

Level 10

Re: ~340k leads that need to be synced to SFDC

Hi James,

1/ Look into the activity log of these leads you have added and check there was no sync error (missing required values, wrong campaign member status, ...). If the activity shows nothing, ask the support to look into the sync logs fors these leads.

2/ You can also ask the support to increase your sync bandwidth. At the end of the day, the limitation will also come from SFDC and the number of API per day you have on their side

Have a look here: Marketo / salesforce integration needs a serious overhaul, don't you "sync"?
