Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz

Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Taking a practice Test

The practice test through the Exam Prep Guide should be free, but you do need a Marketo login (similar to here on community) to access the guide with the test at the end.  I am unable to check the status of your account since I'm also a user just like yourself, but I can tag @Jon_Chen in here, as he is the Community Manager.  He is also the one who can append your old Marketo community login to your new one when you change roles and connect the email addresses.

I would encourage sending him a message if you are logged in and still having trouble, he can get you going!

Marketo Employee

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Taking a practice Test

Hello @Nicole_B_25 


Thanks for looping me in @CarissaRussell ! For assistance with your credentials, I'd recommend reaching out to They should be able to help with switching your credentials to a more preferred email address. 


I am happy to help with any Community-related credential requests i.e. if you switch roles and need to re-gain access to your old Community profile. Feel free to reach out to me at anytime in the future!

Level 3

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Question about using Tags in Reporting

@CarissaRussell  I would like to understand more about how to use Tags in email metric reporting. Can I add a tag similar to how I would add a segmentation to break out my data in reporting? For example if I pull in a channel tag it would break out the data to all the sub groups associated with that channel tag:

For Example: Tag is Product, I can pull that tag into reporting and it would break out my email metrics by each product I have tagged in that product channel?

If not can you give some ideas on how I can better use tags?  I tag everything but never understood how I could truly use it for reporting. 

Can I do this within Marketo Analytics or would this be something I use in Rev Cycle Explorer? 

Nicole Behnke
Level 2

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Question about using Tags in Reporting

I second this question. Interested in the reporting capabilities of tags.

Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] Question about using Tags in Reporting

Wanted to note I collated the answers to this in this comment here!

Level 4 - Champion

πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz

Hey there group! @M_Zin,  @Nicole_B_25, @tianalexys, @kdavid, @Keiyin2024, @mnarendrareddy
Happy Friday! Hope you've had a little time to log in and check out the Exam Prep Guide (this link has been updated, so please bookmark here as this will not change)

This week is tackling one of the largest sections, Marketing Activities/Campaign Management.  I see a few outstanding questions and will get to them next week - Thanks for engaging on the topics!


As it's Friday Quiz time, here are a few questions around some of the newer/less adopted features in this section - just reply here with your answers, and if you have any topics you'd like to look at more - include them and we can discuss.


Question 1: Program Member Custom Fields

What is a key benefit of implementing program member custom fields in Marketo? (pick 1)

  1. Simplifying the process of user interface customization.
  2. Greater ability to personalize marketing campaigns based on specific program-related data.
  3. Automating the approval process for marketing content.
  4. Reducing the need for manual data entry in the CRM.

Question 2: Webhooks

Which of the following is a common implementation for a webhook in Marketo? (pick 1)

  1. To automatically send email newsletters to all program members.
  2. To trigger a third-party service to validate and enrich lead data in real-time.
  3. To create and manage landing pages within Marketo.
  4. To track the performance of social media campaigns.

Question 3: Tokens & Inheritance 

Which of the following statements are true about how tokens inherit in Marketo program folders? (pick 2)

  1. Tokens created at the asset level override tokens inherited from the program folder level.
  2. Inherited tokens cannot be edited or overridden at the asset level.
  3. Tokens must be manually copied from the program folder to each individual asset to be used.
  4. Tokens created at the program folder level can be inherited by all assets within that folder.

Thank you for those that have been commenting so far and I'm looking forward to your answers - have a great weekend!

Level 2

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz

Hi @CarissaRussell: Here are my answers for Week 2 Quiz.  

This week flew by.

Question 1: Program Member Custom Fields - 

What is a key benefit of implementing program member custom fields in Marketo? (pick 1) - B

Question 2: Webhooks

Which of the following is a common implementation for a webhook in Marketo? (pick 1) - B

Question 3: Tokens & Inheritance 

Which of the following statements are true about how tokens inherit in Marketo program folders? (pick 2) A and D. 

Hope you all have a great weekend.



Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz

Excellent Kate!  All are correct.  Thank you for answering, you've done every quiz so far which is fantastic - keep it up! 

Level 3

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz



I learned a couple of very useful things in this section that I can start applying right now.  For example--campaigns deactivating within 6 months if there is no use.  I knew that would happen but had no idea that I could find that information BEFORE the campaign actually was deactivated by looking in the notifications once a quarter. 


Clarification:  If Marketo has turned off the triggers due to inactivity can I turn the trigger back on and it will give it another 6 months and turn it back off if there is no activity.  


The answer to the quiz questions:

1. B


3. A & D


Nicole Behnke
Level 4 - Champion

Re: πŸ—£οΈ [Mentor Carissa Russell] 🌟 WEEK TWO 🌟 Friday Quiz

All correct, thank you for sharing the insights you learned this week!  It's not something you may realize right away but you're correct in that it's handy you can turn them back on if you aren't sure they're okay to be shut down - and they'll flag again in another six months.  You've answered all the quizzes so far, keep up the great work!