HTTPHeaderに「Cache-Control: no-store」を設定してもキャッシュされてしまったので、外部サービス(レコメンドエンジン)を呼び出すURLのクエリストリングの中に「日付」(yymmdd)を入れよう、と考えました。
例:https://hogefugajp-recommend/?xxx=yyy&aaa=bbb _yymmdd&ccc={{lead.userSeq}}&……
[Using Google Translate, hope this works.]
The only character in the token {{system.datetime}} that technically needs to be URL-encoded is the space between the date and the time.
Marketo encodes the space as well as the colon characters (even though a plain : is allowed in the query string).
So if you add ts={{system.datetime}} to the query string, that creates a unique URL. If the remote service still returns cached data, that’s a problem on the remote end.
Thank you for your answer.
I tried to add ts={{system.datetime}} to the query string, but LINE API Server returned code 400.
{"message":"The request body has 1 error(s)","details":[{"message":"Must be a valid HTTPS URL","property":"messages[0].baseUrl"}]}
I think that the space is not allowed in LINE API Request.
And, it’s revealed that the remote service doesn't tolerate the colon characters.
The remote service allows the hyphen and the underscore.
I think that the space is not allowed in LINE API Request.And, it’s revealed that the remote service doesn't tolerate the colon characters.
The remote service allows the hyphen and the underscore.
Broken parser, they shouldn’t say “valid URL“ if they actually mean “we have some private rules that don’t relate to the URL standard.“ 🙂
I think your only choice now will be to use another webhook to fetch some unique string into a lead field, then pass that {{lead.token}} to the LINE API. Marketo doesn’t have anything like a {{system.randomvalue}} token built in.
I think your only choice now will be to use another webhook to fetch some unique string into a lead field, then pass that {{lead.token}} to the LINE API. Marketo doesn’t have anything like a {{system.randomvalue}} token built in.
Yes, thank you for letting me know.
I'm going to try some things......