Sample Questions for MCE Exam: Program Fundamentals

Not applicable

This is the fourth part in my series of sample questions to help you practice for the MCE exam. Part 1 on Admin & Operational topics can be found here. Part 2 on Analytics & Reporting can be found here. Part 3 on Lead Lifecycle can be found here.

QuestionsAnswersCorrect Answer
You need to mark individuals as attended as they show up to your customer appreciation dinner. Which channel and program type should you use?a. Webinar channel and Event program type
b. Email Send channel and Email program type
c. Live Event channel and Event program type
d. Operational program channel and Default program type
Which of the following are ways to become a member of a program? (Choose all that apply)a. Fill out a form inside of a program
b. Import into the program member tab
c. Attend a webinar synced with the program
d. Import into a static list in the program
e. Program status flow action
Which of the following is not a way to become a member of a program?a. Create a new lead via the iPad or Android event application
b. Fill out a form that's located in Design Studio
c. Add a lead to a Salesforce campaign synced to a Marketo program
d. Select the acquisition program when importing into the Lead Database
Which of the following would be appropriate success statuses in a program? (Choose all that apply)a. Engaged
b. Attended
c. Sent
d. Invited
You want to track a gated piece of content on your company website for number of form fills and new names. Which channel would you select?a. Website
b. Web form
c. Default
d. Engagement
You want to send multiple emails to the same audience at a consistent pace and time. Which program type would you select?a. Email
b. Engagement
c. Nurture
d. Default
You want to send an email to individuals thanking them for stopping by at an event and asking them if they would like to receive emails from you. Which program type would you select?a. Tradeshow
b. Default
c. Event
d. Webinar
True or false: You have three program statuses in your channel, in order: Member (Step 10), Filled Out Form (Step 20 - Success) and Engaged (Step 20 - Success). In this setup, a lead can move from Filled Out Form to Engaged but not vice versa.FALSE
Which of the following is the best approach for adding members to an engagement program?a. Create a triggered smart campaign with a 'Add to Engagement Program' flow step
b. Use transition rules in the stream
c. Import members into the program using a static list
d. Create a form in the program
You wish to stop sending out content to a group of individuals in an existing engagement program. Which of the following approaches should you take?a. Archive the content in the engagement program
b. Remove the leads from the program
c. Change the program's cadence
d. Pause the leads in the program
True or false: You can use a transition rule on the first stream in an engagement program.TRUE
You have 2000 leads in an engagement program, 125 of which have exhausted all the content. You recently added new content into the program at the top of the only stream in the program. How many leads will receive the new white paper at the next cast, assuming there are no deliverability issues and no additional people will be added to the program?a. 125
b. 875
c. 2000
d. 1125
Which types of assets can be used in an engagement program stream?a. Email
b. Report
c. Default program
d. Email Send program
e. Landing Page
f. Event program
A lead fills out a form and the marketing manager wants two actions to occur immediately:
- Send the lead a confirmation email
- Change the lead's program status to Registered
What should be done to ensure this?
a. Set up a smart campaign with a 'Program Status is Changed' trigger in the smart list and a 'Send Email' step in the flow
b. Set up a smart campaign with a 'Fills out Form' trigger in the smart list and 'Send Email' and 'Change Data Value' steps in the flow
c. Set up a smart campaign with a 'Fills out Form' trigger in the smart list and a 'Send Email' and 'Change Program Status' step in the flow
d. Set up a smart campaign with a 'Fills out Form' trigger in the smart list and a 'Send Alert' and 'Change Program Status' step in the flow
What is the difference between segmentations and smart lists?a. A lead can exist in multiple segments but not in multiple smart lists
b. Smart lists can be used in smart campaigns while segmentations cannot
c. Segmentations can be used to create dynamic content while smart lists cannot
d. Smart lists can be used as a filter option when creating an email program while segmentations cannot
e. Smart lists are not mutually exclusive but segmentations are
What types of content can be added to an engagement program? (Choose all that apply)a. Emails
b. Landing pages
c. Email programs
d. Events
Which of the following program types would you use if creating a new channel for lead nurture?a. Default
b. Event
c. Engagement
d. Email
You have an engagement program with four emails. A lead has already received the second email and the first email is scheduled to be activated tomorrow. If your cadence is set for today, which email will the lead receive?a. The first
b. The second
c. The third
d. The fourth
True or false: The only difference between an event program and a default program is the ability to set a start and end date.FALSE
Which type of A/B test would you not run if you want to improve your open rates?a. Subject line
b. Date/time
c. From address
d. Whole email
True or false: You may only use open rate, click rate, or engagement score as the criteria for selecting a winner in an A/B test.FALSE
Which of the following webinar partners does Marketo not integrate with?a. Cvent
b. GoToWebinar
c. Brightalk
d. Adobe Connect
e. ON24
f. ReadyTalk
g. Webex
Which of the following functionality is not part of the webinar integration with Marketo?a. Push registrants from Marketo to the webinar provider
b. Push attendees from the webinar provider to Marketo
c. Share survey results from the webinar provider with Marketo
d. Use a custom webinar login URL token in your follow-up emails and calendar invites
Which of the following is not a feature of the iPad/Android event check-in application?a. Send out follow-up emails
b. Register new attendees onsite
c. Check in attendees onsite
d. View registered individuals
You would like to run a data management campaign whenever a lead's country value is populated in the database, so you can standardize the format. Which of the following triggers and filters is the best choice to accomplish this?a. Data Value Changes trigger with a constraint on Country
b. Lead is Created trigger with a filter for Country
c. Data Values Changes trigger with a constraint on Country and Lead is Created Trigger
d. Lead is Created trigger, Data Value Changes trigger with a constraint on Country and a filter for Country
You wish to run a campaign on all inactive leads. Which of the following types of campaigns is the most appropriate choice?a. Triggered smart campaign
b. Batch smart campaign
c. Requested campaign
d. Sales Insight campaign
View the graphic below labeled Image 1. True or false: an individual in California with a lead score of 49 and a status of SQL would qualify for this campaign.TRUE
View the graphic below labeled Image 2. True or false: an individual who visits the web page but does not fill out the form will not qualify for this campaign.FALSE
True or false: Advanced filters in a smart list apply to both triggers and filters.FALSE
Which smart campaign trigger would you use if you wanted to send out an email to individuals who registered for a white paper?a. Program Status is Changed
b. Filled Out Form
c. Send Email
d. Lead is Created
Which of the following is not an example of a flow step?a. Change Program Status
b. Send Email
c. Add to SFDC Campaign
d. Wait
e. Visits Web page
You have a triggered campaign that is supposed to send out an email to someone who fills out a form. You wish to ensure that this email goes out during the work week. Which features should you use?a. Duration wait step
b. Date wait step
c. Date token wait step
d. Campaign scheduling
Which of the following are use cases for using request campaign? (Choose all that apply)a. Creating a campaign for sales to use from within Sales Insight
b. Triggering a campaign using an external system via the API
c. Adding members to an engagement program
d. Alerting someone to follow up on a sales lead
a, b
True or false: When you add choices in a flow step, the order of the choices does not matter.FALSE
A content marketing manager has 1000 leads in an engagement program, 110 of which have exhausted all the content. The content marketing manager recently completed a new white paper and has added the new content into the program at the top of the only stream in the program.
How many leads will receive the new white paper at the next cast, assuming there are no deliverability issues and no additional people will be added to the program?
a. 110
b. 890
c. 1000
d. 1110
A marketing manager wants to run a batch Smart Campaign to process leads that were both created by form fillout today and who also visited the company's pricing page.
Which rule logic should be used when setting up the Smart List?
a. Use ANY filters
b. Use ALL filters
c. Use Basic filters
d. Use Advanced filters
A marketing manager needs to gate a piece of content on the company website. Which three channel and program types correspond to this activity?a. An Email program with the channel "Email"
b. A Default program with the channel "Email"
c. An Event program with the channel "Web Form"
d. A Default program with the channel "Content"
e. A Default program with the channel "Web Form"
f. A Default program with the channel "Web Content"
g. An Engagement program with the channel "Web Content"
A marketing manager has an engagement program with emails that have been activated and approved. The stream cadence has been set up, and the program turned on, but after the cast date, the manager can see that emails are not sent.
Which step has been missed?
a. The quality of the deliverability is not checked.
b. Members have not been added to the engagement program.
c. The CRM sync with the engagement program is not activated.
d. The engagement score has not had sufficient time to calculate.

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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Just drag any event - doesn't even need to physically be within the EP - to a stream and you'll be prompted with something like this:


Make sure the event program is listed under "Program"; and then select the "send invitation" smart campaign. 

Event programs are great to use within engagement programs - especially since you can define their availability (e.g., making sure the invitation isn't sent AFTER the event has already taken place) using the "edit availability" feature:


Level 2

The answer listed by Marketo is c.) 2,000.  I think the reason for this is that they count the 125 exhausted contacts as still being in the engagement program and part of the total.  So, you have 2,000 total contacts in the program, not 2,125.  All 2,000 would receive the new content on the next cast.  There are a lot of questions on the exam that you have to pay careful attention to the wording.  This is an example of that.

Level 7

Hi Jared,

Thank you for doing this!

Some feedback for you:

  • Question 5 - refers to "Data value changes trigger with a constraint on Country." Country isn't a "constraint" - it's the "Attribute."
  • I was confused by the differing terminology between Questions 13) "Which types of assets can be used in an engagement program stream? (Choose all that apply)"  and 19) "What types of content can be added to an engagement program? (Choose all that apply)." I thought you were making a (typical Marketo) sneaky distinction between an Engagement Program vs an Engagement Stream, and had question 19 marked wrong, as a result because I included Landing Pages. I think that was incorrect. While you cannot add a Landing Page to a stream. You can add a Landing Page to an Engagement Program.
  • Question 20  - Which type of A/B test would you not run if you want to improve your open rates? - ​Why is the answer to this "Whole Emails"?


Level 10 - Community Moderator
  • Question 20 - Which type of A/B test would you not run if you want to improve your open rates? - Why is the answer to this "Whole Emails"?

Idea being that the Whole Email will already be viewed in order to register an Open. This is in fact fallacious, because the Open depends on downloading images, and the non-image content of an email can certainly contribute to somebody enabling images.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Question 5 - and likewise, the question that Boris highlighted above (around the "filled out form" trigger) - are the types of questions that drive me crazy.  I'm having two members of my team take the exam at Summit and if they go by the book, the careless wording of some of the questions/answers is just going to add further confusion to an already tense moment for these first-time takers.

Level 7

Hi Sandy,

I hate questions about testing Open Rates because Opens can't actually be measured properly. Preview panes create false opens, real opens by people with image blocking turned on or recipients of plain text  are not counted. So in reality Opens, can help tell you if you've got a deliverability problem but they don't tell you much about how many people are opening your emails.

Yet people insist on measuring Open rates. Because of this - I chose "Subject Line" because in an ideal world, if you could really measure opens accurately, that's the way you would do it.

I still don't really understand why "Whole Emails" is considered the right answer.


Level 7

Yes, agreed on Filled Out Form that Boris mentioned. On the one hand, Marketo tends to have questions that require you to read the terminology very carefully - and on the other, if Boris's example is really on the test, they are sloppy themselves with language. NOT to mention that in past years some of the questions read as if they were written by non-native English speakers and you had to think hard about what the heck they were actually trying to ask!

Level 7

Dustin - You are correct. People who have exhausted content are still in the Engagement Program. So 2,000 is the correct answer.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

I completely agree... Opens are directional at best.  Especially so when you send text-centric emails, where the only visible image might be in the a signature, so there's no incentive for the lead to enable images.

I still don't really understand why "Whole Emails" is considered the right answer.

Because it's asking the one you wouldn't run, right?

Level 7

Right. If I were worried about open rates I’d be worried about deliverability – and there would be all sorts of things I would be looking into which might or might not lead to an A/B Whole Email test.