Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Bizible Persons with Bizible Touchpoints

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

*Posted on behalf of internal Bizible expert Pierre Cirac*


In this post, we are focusing on reporting on Bizible Touchpoints (BTs). BTs are used for understanding all marketing interactions related to people, as they contain the complete touchpoint history for each person. As a reminder, these touchpoints are created in CRM for the anonymous First Touch, the Lead Creation Touch, and any subsequent form submission or touchpoint that you choose to sync from an offline campaign or activity. Below, we are going to dive deeper into how Bizible Touchpoints relate to the Bizible Person (Custom Object in CRM). 




There’s a third custom Bizible object in Salesforce that can be very useful when reporting on people related metrics: the Bizible Person (BP). The BP solves the age-old problem of how to represent both Leads and Contacts information in the same report. It unites all BTs related to a “person” (a Bizible Person’s ID is their email address). Whether they exist as a Lead or a Contact, the BP acts as a bridge object, to help reports span across Lead and Contact, and is very useful in producing more sophisticated reports on people.


The Bizible Person relates to only one of the touchpoint objects, the Bizible Touchpoint (BT). This means that it can’t be leveraged for an Opportunity or revenue related metrics. A ‘Bizible Person and Bizible Touchpoints’ report type is great for understanding total engagement as it surfaces all BTs whether the BT relates to a Lead or Contact more specifically. For example - if you have a Salesforce Campaign being used to track an Event, you may have campaign members within the CRM Campaign that exist either as Leads OR Contacts. Bizible will create touchpoints for the campaign members regardless, but without the Bizible Person, standard Salesforce reporting would require two separate reports to understand how many total touchpoints you have from the Event: one that’s ‘Leads with Bizible Touchpoints’ and one that’s ‘Contacts with Bizible Touchpoints’. A few other Bizible Person based reporting use cases are listed below:


1. Bizible Persons who have Downloaded ‘ebooks’ or ‘whitepapers’ (total downloads)

 This report would be the same as a ‘Content’ based report at the Lead level. However, rather than looking to measure the number of attributable Leads to each piece of content, using a Bizible Persons report will be helpful in understanding the total number of downloads if the asset is gated (the total number of touchpoints would represent the total number of downloads/form submissions).



How many people have downloaded a particular asset?

Report Type

Bizible Persons and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)


Form URL’ CONTAINS (for example)

  • /ebook
  • /whitepaper

* The filter values above are examples only. The actual value will be based on each organizations’ URL structure.

Date Field / Date Type

Touchpoint Date (when was the asset downloaded)

Date Range

select desired date range 

Group / Dimension

Form URL

Optimal Models

* This report is less about measuring where the Leads or Contacts are coming from with an attribution model, but more about the total number of touchpoints (amount of engagement), inclusive of those after the Lead Creation Touch. With this report we’re looking to understand the amount of total engagement. The total record count of touchpoints would reflect which assets have been downloaded the most.


Pro Tip #1: For any ‘Leads with Bizible Persons’ report type, start by customizing the pre-built report titled ‘Bizible 101 | Leads/Contacts by Channel’. This report is available out-of-the box and is a great Bizible Persons based sandbox. It is pre-built and can be quickly customized for more specific reporting needs.


Pro Tip #2: You can use this report to gain insight into the total engagement of any marketing dimension from the Bizible Touchpoint object, not only content downloads as presented in the example. The report could instead be grouped or filtered on dimensions like ‘Marketing Channel’ or ‘Ad Campaign Name’ to best understand the total engagement from both Leads and Contacts in your database. Simply change the filters or groupings within the report to zero in on other dimensions represented by other fields from the touchpoint object. 


2. Bizible Persons who have Registered for an Event (CRM only)

 This report is only applicable if registration forms are hosted on your website(s) that Bizible is able to track digitally.



What Marketing Channels are driving my event registrations?

Report Type

Bizible Persons and Bizible Touchpoints (CRM)


Form URL’ CONTAINS (for example)

  • /event

* The filter value above is an example only. The actual value will be based on each organizations’ URL structure.

Date Field / Date Type

Touchpoint Date (when the registration form was submitted)

Date Range

select desired date range 

Group / Dimension

Form URL

Marketing Channel

Optimal Models

* This report is less about measuring where the Leads or Contacts are coming from with an attribution model, but more about the total number of touchpoints (number of registrations), inclusive of those after the Lead Creation Touch. With this report we’re looking to gain insight into what’s driving event registrations. The total record count of touchpoints per ‘Marketing Channel’ would reflect which channels drove the most registrations.


The key takeaway from this report is that the Bizible Touchpoint data will also provide Marketing Channel data. While you may already have insight around the number of people who have registered for your events, this report will also provide insight into what digital Marketing Channels, Sources, and/or Campaigns are bringing people to your website to then register for the event. 


Pro Tip: This same approach can be taken when looking to gain insight into webinar registrations or perhaps on-demand webinar downloads (if they are a gated asset). The only difference would be the filter value in the ‘Form URL’ if those forms are hosted on unique pages of your website. The goal is the same however. It answers the questions, “which of my Marketing Channels are driving the most registrations/on-demand webinar downloads. 


3. Bizible Persons with Bizible Touchpoints (Touchpoint Validation)


Considering the Bizible Person allows us to report on all touchpoints in a single report, it is the ideal report type to use when looking to validate your data. We want to ensure we’re not overlooking any touchpoints that may reveal where, for example, there is an issue in the configuration of your ‘Marketing Channels’ (see the support articles linked below for more information about configuring your ‘Marketing Channels’).


Essentially, the touchpoint data will reflect what’s been tracked by Bizible and can be audited to ensure your configuration matches inputs based on things like: UTM parameter values, Referring Pages, or Campaign Types. If the touchpoint data doesn’t match your configuration, something most likely needs to be adjusted. Beyond the ‘Marketing Channel’ setup, you can look at touchpoint data to determine what touchpoints may need to be suppressed or segmented. It is recommended to audit your touchpoint data within a ‘Bizible Persons and Bizible Touchpoints’ report at the end of each month or quarter if possible. This will ensure your attribution is as accurate as possible. The ‘Bizible 101 | Leads/Contacts by Channel’ report available out-of-the-box is a great place to start. Include the following fields if they’re not already included to review some of the most crucial pieces of configuration:


  • Marketing Channel - Path = Marketing Channel.Sub Channel (values set in Bizible)
  • Touchpoint Source = utm_source
  • Medium = utm_medium (online touchpoints) OR CRM Campaign Type (offline touchpoints)
  • Referrer Page (used the ‘Online Channels’ configuration)
  • Landing Page - Raw (used the ‘Online Channels’ configuration) also a common input for touchpoint suppression in the ‘Touchpoint Settings’ tab of your Settings)
  • Form URL (a common input for touchpoint suppression in the ‘Touchpoint Settings’ tab of your Settings)

Related Resources:

Champion Tips & Tricks: Bizible Edition with Justin Norris

Bizible - The ABCs of Marketing Attribution

Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Leads with Bizible Touchpoints

Reporting on Bizible Touchpoints: Marketing Qualified Leads with Bizible Touchpoints