Marketo Engage Forms & forms2.js jQuery update

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

What is changing?


Currently, Marketo Engage Forms use jQuery library version 1.x when embedded on websites. In our next release beginning on January 9th, 2024, we will be updating the jQuery library used by forms2.js to version 3.7.1.


Why is this change being made?

The currently used jQuery version has security vulnerabilities, is not sufficiently supported by browsers, and has reached the end of it’s supported lifecycle. jQuery 3. x offers enhanced security, better performance, smaller file sizes for faster loading on slow networks, ECMAScript 6 support, and several other advantages.


What customer action is required?

If your company’s website loads its own version of the jQuery library, and your website uses embedded Marketo Engage forms or forms2.js, it must be updated to support jQuery library version 3.x.


When must customers make the change?

Customers that load their own version of the jQuery library on their website and use embedded Marketo Engage Forms must be able support version 3.x  by January 9th, 2024.


What happens if customers don’t act?

If a website is loading a version of jQuery that does not support version 3.7.1, their Marketo Engage embedded Forms on those pages may not load or submit successfully.