Marketo Behavior When Changing an Acquisition Program

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Summary of what will happen when you change an acquisition program name using the Marketo Change Data Value flow step.


Acquisition Program Name Changes

Acquisition Program Date Changes

Change acquisition program name



Set acquisition program name for the first time


Yes, the acquisition date will be the date you run the campaign

Remove acquisition program name (aka set the acquisition program to NULL) using a Change Data Value flow step*

Yes, the value is cleared


Remove acquisition program name and then later set a new acquisition program name using Change Data Value flow steps



Remove acquisition by removing the record as a member of the program

Yes, the value is cleared

Yes, the acquisition date will be cleared

* Removing an acquisition program name using a Change Data Value flow step



  • If you have a lot of partner and employee records in your system you might want to consider creating partner and employee acquisition program so these records don't impact your attribution reports.
  • It's best practice to block field updates for the acquisition field so you don't accidentally change the value. If you are intentionally changing the acquisition program for employees and partners it will not be possible to block field updates.
  • See this article if you have records entering Marketo and acquisition program isn't being set.
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