Introducing The NEW Marketing Nation Community Manager, Jonathan Chen

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

Marketing Nation members, I’m thrilled to announce a new addition to my team, Jonathan Chen. Jon will be taking lead as Community Manager and, as such, will be working with all of you to ensure our Community remains the best community ever!


Here’s Jon’s message to you:


“Hello Marketing Nation,


My name is Jonathan, and I joined Marketo last week as a Community Manager for the Marketing Nation Community. I am so excited and grateful to be a part of such an innovative and quirky team at Marketo and can't wait to engage you all with interesting topics and ideas to further expand your knowledge of Marketo. Before joining this team, I was a product marketer at a prominent enterprise headset company, where I helped expand its innovation business by developing scalable marketing programs and communities to drive awareness and advocacy. I often used Marketo in my previous job to develop monthly consumer newsletters and quickly fell in love with the highly sophisticated, yet surprisingly intuitive platform. Of course, I learned that Marketo has countless solutions for every use case and was blown away by the Community's respectful users, vast database of creative ideas, and snappy responses to even the most complex of questions. The Marketing Nation is truly one of a kind, and it's because of every single one of you. From the daily posters to the occasional lurkers, know that I am here to support you on your Marketo journey. There are many great projects planned for the Community, and I can't wait to show you what's in store in the coming months. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time you have a question, complaint, or concern - I'm here to help!”



Please join me in welcoming Jon to the most amazing nation of marketers on earth!



Level 9

Hi Jon, 

Pleasure to meet you virtually and welcome to the Marketing Nation  

Best Always,

Karan Hari

Level 4 - Champion Alumni

Welcome, Jon! 

Level 10

Congrats on joining the party, Jon  

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Welcome Jon!