How to add 'View as Web Page' link to an email - Step by Step

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It is very easy to add 'view as a web page' link to your emails.

Step 1:

Click on edit settings on your email draft.

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 11.06.05 AM.png

Step 2: Select "Include View as Web Page"

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 11.07.40 AM.png

Step 3: Test it. Your email should include the vie as web page link as you can see in the image below.

Screen Shot 2016-05-25 at 11.10.02 AM.png

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

You can edit the formatting for this in Admin. And like others have mentioned, you can use a system token in a link... Like if you wanted to have it appear as a CTA button in your email. IMO, that's more useful for "forward to a friend."

Either way, I've never seen clicks on these be very high. 😉

Level 5

Simple but useful thanks.

Level 2

Is there a way to turn this setting off? I turned it on for an email (using editor 2.0 if that has any quirks about it) but now the option is greyed out and I can't seem to turn it off.

When I hover over the greyed out option the help text says "Email already includes the {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} token", almost as if the modal thinks I'm trying to turn it "on" rather than "off."

I tried searching for something to delete in the code, but I didn't fare very well. Ctrl+F would be very helpful right about now!

Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 3.22.16 PM.png

Level 10 - Community Moderator

Looks like the editor sees {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}} manully added to the email.  That's the reason it won't automatically remove it (it's not "system-managed"). So you will have to seek that out. Or else there's a bug here... not impossible!

Level 2

Guess I'll start combing through this code the old-fashioned way. Thanks Sanford Whiteman​!

Not applicable

Thanks for sharing! We were just talking about this internally the other day, so the timing, and tips, came at the best time.

Level 2

Is there a way to view what each segment gets? I sent myself a test of a segment, and the mail was correct, but when I click on "View as Webpage" I see the default segment's content. Thanks!

UPDATE: I could indeed see the segmented mail if i pasted the view as webpage token ( <a href="{{system.viewAsWebPageLink}}">View as Web Page</a>) into the text of the segment, not the "View as Webpage" link that is included as part of the email settings.

UPDATE 2: When I removed the "view as webpage" in email settings, the pasted token no longer worked - it now brought me to the default segment view as webpage. Seems like a little bug.


Level 10 - Community Moderator

Replace the automatic token (in the Admin settings) with an empty HTML comment <!-- -->.

Then leave the "Include View as Web Page" checkbox checked, and also include the {{system.viewAsWebPageLink}}.

Not applicable

Is there a way to change the tab of the web view page? Mine shows the template name. I know how to change the tab name for a regular page but can't see to change it here.

Level 10 - Community Moderator

The <TITLE> tag in the HTML dictates the tab title.