February Rollout of Email Verification Corrections

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

In November 2023, Adobe Marketo Engage announced in this Marketo Nation Article, an update regarding Email Verification for SSO Only Users. Additionally, Marketo Engage reviewed email verification status for users and found that some users share the same verified email address. This conflict will prevent successful user migrations for the two users sharing the same email address and must be corrected. 


Beginning February 20, 2024, and into the month of April, Adobe will roll out email verification corrections for SSO Only users and any users having a shared email conflict. Upon the rollout, previously verified users in the target audience will have their email verification status updated to “Unverified” and will be sent a verification email prompting them for action. This is not a phishing attempt. Users will need to verify their email address via the link sent in the verification email.  Users and admins will be alerted once this has occured in their subscription via an in app notification.


Note: An active user session is required for Email Verification success. SSO Only users will need to sign into their Marketo subscription using their Identity Provider (IdP) url. Once a session is established, navigate back to their inbox and verification email and click the "Verify your email address" link in the email. 


During this time, all user access to Marketo Engage will not be impacted. Users can access Marketo Engage regardless of email verification status prior to user migration to Adobe IDs.  


More information about email verification can be found in the Experience League Documentation. 



November Marketo Nation Update Announcement 

Original Marketo Nation Announcement  

Email Verification Documentation  

Email Verification Release Notes