Checklists (where would I be without them?)

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Confession time.

I live by check lists.  Like a pilot reviewing his checklists before he flies, I review mine every morning because I know it increases the probability that 'stuff will get done'... and decreases the possibility that I will make a mistake. This is especially true when I use Marketo. I have only been doing the Marketing Automation dance for about a year now, so a lot of actions are still not conditioned into my marketing brain. So I rely heavily on checklists.

To help those of you who might be like me, we are starting to add checklists to help you get started with Marketo to the Community.

If you really are into lists, you should check out the book, The Checklist Manifesto.

Do you have any checklists to add to the Marketing Nation Community. If so, create a doc and add them to the ​ area of the site.

Should we build a checklist library?