Celebrating The Purple Worker

Not applicable

This week, we celebrate Independence Day. Most of us will be spending quality time with our families at BBQs, Picnics, Parades, Baseball Games, etc.  But let’s face it; few of us will really be thinking about our independence from the British.


This year, however, I want to suggest that we also celebrate the independence of the American (and global) worker – the person who is either a freelancer or a Consultant (or even a person who is 1099). The person who spends most of their time on their own, trying to earn a good living. Ideally, they are working on something they are passionate about. The reality is that more and more people are part of this new ‘On-Demand’ economy, where we are essentially on-call for prospective bosses or clients. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing – but it does present some challenges.

For those of us who are Marketo Independent consultants, we know the challenge(s) of wearing many hats at one time. You have to be your top sales person. You have to be your (and maybe your clients’) main Marketing Operations Person (MOPs) guy. You have to handle your finances, etc.

Working independently is not easy. It can be lonely. That’s one of the reasons we created this Community. We wanted to have a place where each of you can find peers, share best practices, and learn from each other.

But I am not only talking about 1099s and people who run their own LLCs. Sometimes being the Marketo expert in a company can also feel like a solo gig. Perhaps you are a newbie to Marketo and are desperately looking for internal and external mentors to teach you about Marketing Automation or MOP’s.  Or maybe you’re the Marketo Expert (like our Champions) and you’re trying coach or guide your co-workers. Even experienced folks need a community to support them.

So today – let’s celebrate the one-person company as well as the Marketo Expert, who sometimes feels like they are on their own. They are independent, while others are dependent on them to master the art of Marketing Engagement.  Let’s celebrate the Red, White and Blue, but also the Purple members of the Marketing Nation!