What is Data Transfer Hub and what can it do for me?

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee
Customer will often ask if there's a good solution for one of several common use cases including
  • Recurring Export of Marketo Activity Data
  • Recurring Export of Person Data
  • Import of Person Data
  • Import of Custom Object Data
  • Import of Company Data
  • Import of Opportunity and Opportunity Role Data
  • Import of other, less often used data such as Custom Activities or Names Accounts
If your organization doesn't have a dedicated development team or knowledge of a middleware platform like Boomi, Zapier, Informatica, etc., this would present quite a problem for you, either resulting in some time consuming manual work or worse, the inability to import the data in a timely fashion. Opportunity data for example, can really only be added using the API (barring the use of a native sync with a CRM of course).
If you find yourself in need  of one of these services, you might be in luck.
Adobe ACS's Marketo consulting team has you covered. We've developed a solution called the Data Transfer Hub. the solution is built on AWS technologies such as Lambda, DynamoDB, AWS RDS, and Event Bridge, and leverages the Marketo REST API to import delimited data from a file picked up from an AWS Transfer SFTP folder, and can deposit Activity or Person data into SFTP folders as well.
This removed the overhead from your team of doing things like connecting to the Marketo REST API, monitoring status, dealing with response files, errors and retries, and can free your team up to work on the important part of your job, effective marketing.
We can export your Marketo Activities [Here's that list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1i-3GVbpUK7oc8YanOokY_1yd_Ly124urK2HHydrN0d8/edit#gid=1253153...] either once or on a daily basis, and can export person records even more frequently. A common use case here is to import that data into a BI or other analysis tool external to marketo. You might export email click, send, delivered, bounce, etc. to build up a dashboard of metrics.
DTH can import Person, Custom Object, Custom Activity, Company, and Opportunity Data, and can handle huge volumes of imports. It's subject to your API limits, of course. We can accept a variety of delimiters like pipe, comma, semicolon, and will work with you on the format.