Marketo Measure (Bizible) Discover Filters Cheat Sheet for Attributed Revenue Board

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

**Under Construction due to the launch of the NEW Marketo Measure Discover Boards**


Documentation for Marketo Measure Discover Dashboard already exists on the Experience League -- check that out too! -- but this week I wanted to share a quick Discover cheat sheet for the filters on the Overview board. 


For reference, these are the default filters available on the Overview board: 




Now, let's break down what each filter is used for.

Date Type –

  • Touchpoint Date: Shows the related data with a ‘Touchpoint Date’ in the timeframe specified
  • Created Date: Shows the related data that had a ‘Created Date’ in the timeframe specified
  • Closed Date: Displays the related data that had a ‘Close Date’ in the timeframe specified

Interpretation Example: If the metric is Leads and the Date Type is Touchpoint Date, in the bar chart you’re looking at Lead Touchpoints effectively. If the metric is Deals and the Date Type is Created Date, in the bar chart you’re looking at Closed Won Opportunities (deals) that were created in the specified time period.

Date –

  • Can create as custom of a date range as you need, or use easy presets like past 6 months for example,
  • The default is "complete months" which can be confusing as the month needs to be fully completed for that data to show; I usually switch to "months". 

Attribution Model –

  • Can select any of the 5 stock attribution models or your custom model.
  • Think of this as the lens you want to apply to the data. 

Metric –

  • Revenue: Dollar amount of Closed Won Opportunities with BATs
  • Spend: Spend from API integrations, manually imported to Marketo Measure, or pulled from CRM (SFDC or MSD)
  • Deals: Count of Closed Won Opportunities with BATs
  • Pipeline Revenue: Dollar amount of Open Opportunities (no Closed Won/Lost Opps) with BATs
  • Opportunities: Count of Opportunities with BATs regardless of Opportunity Stage
  • Contacts: Count of Contacts with touchpoints
  • Leads: Count of Leads with touchpoints

Dimension –

  • Choose which value you want to slice the bar chart by. The default is Channel at the highest level.
  • If you choose something more granular, like Ad Campaign Name, I recommend starting with a smaller time range.

Channel –

  • This allows you to pick which Channel(s) you want to look at. In other words, you don’t have to look at all of your Channels if maybe you want to isolate just your Paid Channels.
  • Clicking in the empty text box will auto-populate your available Channels.

Subchannel –

  • Allows you to specify the Subchannel(s).
  • If you’ve filtered the Channel, be aware that only associated Subchannels will show up as options.

Campaign –

  • This corresponds to Marketo Measure's “Ad Campaign Name” field.
  • See this blog post for getting strategic with the Ad Campaign Name field.

Campaign Source –

  • Use this filter to isolate where the data is coming from (AdWords, LinkedIn, Salesforce, etc).

Ad Account ID –

  • Use this to isolate data from a specific ad account.
  • For example, maybe you have 5 LinkedIn accounts connected and you only want to look at one.

CRM Account Name –

  • Allows you to select a specific account(s) from your CRM.
  • Pro tip: if you want to look at target accounts, consider building a Segmentation instead of typing out all the Account Names!

Segmentations –

  • Here at the bottom of the list of filters, you'll see any Segmentations you've defined. 
  • If it says "Category 1, Category 2, etc)" that's likely because your Segmentations haven't been Save/Published yet.
  • Remember Segmentation is your tool to enhance your reporting in Discover. Check out this post for ideas of how to use your available Segmentations.