Coming soon – New advanced report builder for Marketo Engage

Marketo Employee
Marketo Employee

We have always offered an advanced report creation capability for our customers who want to dig deeper into their Marketo data. Many of you use it. You may know it as “Revenue Explorer”, “Advanced Report Builder” or “Advanced BI Analytics”.


I’m very happy to announce we have completely reimagined this solution and plan to begin making it available to entitled customers soon (we believe within the next 60 days)!  Going forward, we’re calling it Advanced BI Analytics. We’ll try to not call it by any of the old names if you promise the same. 🙂  If you are not already using this capability, it continues to be available as a Value Add-on to Marketo Engage. Of course, all the usual roadmap disclaimers apply and capabilities and timing could change, but here's our current plan:


What’s New

We’ve dramatically improved the experience:

  • Highly interactive analysis capabilities featuring drill-down, drill-up, drill-through, and more
  • Faster performance (especially when working with large datasets)
  • A greatly expanded set of visualization options
  • New sharing options including one-click report share to PowerPoint   


The Value

We believe this new solution will enable our customers to discover deeper insights faster and share them more effectively – fueling better marketing optimization and more compelling data storytelling within their organizations. It’s more powerful, more intuitive, and more fun to use. It gives us a stronger foundation to build on going forward.


What’s the Same

Keeping these aspects the same helps us seamlessly transition current customers:

  • There continue to be the same nine key reporting areas you’re used to seeing: Email Analysis, Lead Analysis, Model Performance (Accounts), Model Performance (Leads), Opportunity Analysis, Program Cost Analysis, Program Membership Analysis, Program Opportunity Analysis, and Program Revenue Stage Analysis.
  • Across these areas, the data models are unchanged and we continue to provide the same 30+ pre-built report templates which can be used out-of-the-box or as foundations for customization.


Process for Entitled Customers

Marketo Engage customers who have this advanced reporting capability as part of their subscription (again, you may know it or see it as “Revenue Explorer”, “Advanced Report Builder” or “Advanced BI Analytics”) can expect us to do our best to get the new version into your hands and into action quickly. Currently, the general timeline looks to be as follows:


  1. NEW EXPERIENCE AVAILABLE: Late March / Early April: You will begin seeing in-product notifications providing additional details and resources. The new version will appear in your Marketo Engage instance so you can play with it, learn how to use it, and begin creating new reports. You’ll be able to toggle back and forth between old and new versions until the old version is deprecated. Having two parallel reporting solutions and sets of reports can be confusing and so we expect to deprecate the old version before this summer.
  2. REPORTS COPIED: April: A short while after the new version appears in your instance, any reports you have saved in the old version will be copied over to the new version for you.  


Check out a short demo!





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