Web Personalization (RTP) - How does Asset Discovery work?

Included in this article



The Content Recommendation Engine will recommend content that your visitors will like, but there must be content to recommend first. You can manually upload all assets and pieces of content you want to use, but you can also let RTP automatically discover what content is already out there, published on your website currently. This process of identifying those assets is called Asset Discovery, or Content Discovery. This doc will show you how the Asset Discovery process works.


For documentation on how to enable Asset Discovery please see Enabling Content Discovery - Marketo Docs - Product Docs




Event listeners

The asset discovery process is an event listener. It runs on every page that has the RTP script running on it and waits for visitors to click on links that count as content assets. Once it identifies a click on a content asset, it checks if this is a click on an asset. By default, RTP defines content assets as any external pages or files like PDF, PPT, PPTX, MP4, OGG, WEBM or YouTube. As these pieces of content are discovered, they are added to the list of content pieces that the CRE can recommend to visitors.


Assets from URL Patterns

Asset discovery automatically identifies assets on your web pages, but you can also manually configure assets based off of URL patterns so that HTML pages with URLs that match these patterns will be auto-discovered as assets. Once the URL patterns are configured, the pages will be identified as individual assets that the CRE can recommend.


Created content

Users can manually add new content in RTP with the directions in the documentation here: Create New Content - Marketo Docs - Product Docs When the content is created, you specify the content URL.


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API - Event Sending Function

In some cases, the download (submit) button is not a direct link to the asset itself but to a JavaScript that opens the asset. When this is the done, the asset discovery events must be coded into the JavaScript on the page and use an API call. This API calls only work if the RTP script is loaded on the page.


An example of the code would be:

rtp('send', 'view','/case_study1.pdf');


The Event Sending Function documentation can be found here: RTP JavaScript API » Marketo Developers


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