Web Personalization (RTP) FAQ - Segments and Campaigns


FAQs Included in this Article:



Segments and campaigns are powerful tools in the Web Personalization platform for targeting groups of potential leads and pushing them relevant content. Segments allow you to target your audience based on demographic fields like organization, location, and lead status, or based on behavioral fields like number of visits, mobile device used, or search terms used. Campaigns use segments to personalize your marketing efforts, allowing you to deliver relevant content to specific segments of your audience. This doc will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about segments and campaigns in RTP. If you would like to first learn the basics of using segments and campaigns, read through this collection of documents that will get you started: Getting Started (RTP)



Are RTP campaign designs responsive

Yes. This means that RTP campaigns will work on mobile devices and will adapt to the sizing of mobile websites. Only Dialog and Widget campaigns are affected by screen sizes, as In Zone campaigns behave as embedded parts of the website. There are RTP Mobile Templates for fitting dialog campaigns to all mobile screen sizes.


Furthermore, in the segment editor, you can segment by mobile device type and manually create campaigns that appear differently on different devices.



Can you see how your RTP campaigns will be displayed on multiple devices

In the campaign editor, you can use the preview tool to view how an RTP campaign will look. This tool will allow you to change the view settings to preview your campaign on all different kinds of devices with different screen sizes.



Can campaigns be displayed only on one page

Yes, this can be done by using the "Include Pages" field in the segment editor


     Go to the Segments page and hit the Edit button on the segment associated with your campaign


     Use the Include Pages field to enter the specific page that you wish to have the campaign display on



You can also use this field to include any page with a specific keyword in the URL. To do this, use wildcard characters (*) which will match any sequence of characters. For example, "*product*" will match any URL that contains the keyword "product".



Can I insert JavaScript to RTP campaigns

The RTP's campaign editor supports any standard and valid HTML, JavaScript, or CSS codes. Invalid codes will be stripped off the campaign's HTML


While using valid HTML, JavaScript, or CSS will work as expected, the use of jQuery can be problematic. Campaigns generally load very fast, especially In Zone campaigns, and they will often load before jQuery even exists on the web page. This can cause error messages in the developer's console or issues loading the campaign. If you need to use jQuery on your page, contact Marketo Support and we can try to come up with a simple workaround. Advanced solutions will need to be developed by a third party developer or the PS (product services?) team.



Can RTP campaigns be blocked by ad blockers or JavaScript blockers

Basically, no. For a more in depth answer, please see Web Personalization (RTP) - Can RTP Campaigns Be Blocked by Ad Blockers or JavaScript Blockers



Does marketo RTP support animated GIF files

Yes, we do support both static and animated GIF files in RTP campaigns. We do still recommend you preview and test the campaign to assure that the GIF appears as you hoped it would.



Does RTP impact SEO

RTP does not affect any SEO performance and in some cases it can even improve SEO ranks due to longer website engagement.

Search engines use robots to crawl through the content of web sites, which happens before RTP runs campaigns and personalizes content. This means that content from RTP does not get picked up by the search engines' robots, and will not contribute to a web page's rank.

In many cases, RTP will actually improve a web page's SEO rank. Since RTP can increase engagement among a page's visitors, it can improve behavioral metrics like average time on a site, pages per visit, etc.



Does RTP support HTML5

Yes, all campaign types in RTP support HTML5.



How does Any Page in the Target URL field work

The "Any Page" option in the target URL means that once the visitor matches the target segment, the campaign will be shown regardless of which page they are on within your web site.



How does RTP A/B testing work

A/B testing a campaign consists of deploying slightly different versions of a campaign to test which version performs the best. To learn how to A/B test a campaign, see AB Test Your Web Campaign


The test works by randomly selecting a certain percentage of users to see one version of the campaign, and the rest see the second version. If the campaign is set to be Sticky (you can find this option in the campaign editor, shown below), the visitor will see one version of the campaign for their entire session on your web site. This means if the user is first shown campaign B, they will keep seeing campaign B until the end of their session. In that visitor's next session, they may see either campaign A or B.


If the campaign is not Sticky, the visitor will only be shown the campaign once during their session, whether that be campaign A or B. In their next session, they will again only be shown the campaign once, and again it could be either campaign A or B.



How can RTP recognize the search term

When you visit a web page, your browser will keep track of the URL of web page that you were on directly before getting to that page. This is known as the "referral" URL. With the referrer URL, it is relatively simple to extract the search terms.


RTP uses this ability to extract search terms from the referral URL to determine the search terms used and record them in Marketo.


Unfortunately, Google has recently begun to withhold and encrypt much of this data, making it impossible for RTP to extract the search terms in some cases. For now though, you will still be able to get all search terms from other search engines like Yahoo and Bing.



How the RTP industries and organization groups are defined


In the segment editor there is an option to target visitors that come from specific industries, including:

  • Agriculture & Mining
  • Business Services
  • Computers & Electronics
  • Consumer Services
  • Defense
  • Education
  • Energy & Utilities
  • Financial Services
  • Government
  • Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, & Biotech
  • Manufacturing
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Non-Profit
  • Other
  • Read Estate & Construction
  • Retial
  • Software & Internet
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation & Storage
  • Travel Recreation and Leisure
  • Wholesale & Distribution


Marketo uses advanced machine learning algorithms to determine the industry based on data from _____. Marketo also uses keywords in the organization's name to get a better match for its industry. For example, an organization named "UCSF Medical Center" probably belongs to healthcare just based on the name itself, and "Stanford University" probably belongs in Education.


Organization Groups

You can also target visitors in companies of various sizes, or Organization Groups, including:

  • Fortune 500
  • Fortune 1000
  • Global 2000
  • Enterprise
  • SMB


Marketo uses Forbes' annually updated lists to determine companies in the Fortune 500, Fortune 1000, and Global 2000 groups. Enterprise companies are defined as those with more than 1,000 employees and revenue greater than $250 million. SMB companies are all (non-ISP) organizations that are not defined as any of the above.


For more information on segment categories, visit: https://docs.marketo.com/display/public/DOCS/Using+Web+Segments



How accurate is RTP's reverse IP geolocation targeting

IP based geo-location targeting has a 95% accuracy rates for country level and around 85% for states.

For ISPs (Internet Service Providers) it is less accurate, because they often use different physical proxies and change their routing more often.

Over time we follow the changes and update our database continuously.



Is it possible to redirect target visitors to specific pages

Please see Web Personalization (RTP) - Redirect Targeted Visitors to Specific Pages



Is it possible to use segmentations from the Lead Database in RTP

Currently this is not a feature that RTP supports. However, see this document if you wish to implement a work-around.



Is there a way to restore a deleted campaign

There is no way to restore a deleted campaign in RTP. However, if you need to restore a deleted campaign, contact Marketo Support and it can be done if it was recently deleted. Unfortunately even restoring the campaign through Marketo Support will not restore the campaign's performance statistics.



RTP or CMS campaigns - which will win

CMS campaigns are generally injected to the web page, meaning it runs before the page loads. RTP, on the other hand, runs as the page is loading. Since RTP campaigns run after CMS campaigns, they will override the CMS campaign and the page will only show the RTP campaign.



How to use the User Context API segmentation

The User Context API is a very advanced and technical functionality. All of its documentation can be found here, on the Marketo Developers database.



What are the recommended sizes for RTP campaigns

Of course the size of your RTP campaigns is up to your discretion, but here are our recommendations for various types of campaigns:



What does the "Marketo Email Campaign" option mean

When creating a segment with the filter "Marketo Email Campaign", the segment will only match visitors that visit your website after clicking an email in the specified campaign.


RTP - Segment email campaign field.PNG



What happens when a visitor qualifies for more than one campaign

When a visitor qualifies to see more than one campaign, depending on the types, you may see multiple campaigns on the page or only one. Below is a table explaining what happens when a visitor qualifies for two campaigns:


RTP - Multiple campaigns table.PNG


  • When only one campaign is to be shown, the campaign that is displayed is chosen randomly between the two.
  • When a visitor qualifies for two In Zone campaigns with the same Zone ID, the campaign that is displayed is also chosen randomly.



What is a conversion in RTP

A direct conversion is a visitor that became a lead after clicking on an RTP campaign.

In a summary report, you will see the Direct Lead Conversion Rate, which is simply the percentage of clicks on the ampaign that lead to direct conversions.



What is the limit of organizations you can target for an RTP campaign

There are no constraints on the number of organizations included in a campaign.



What is the limit of names allowed in the 'Organizations' criteria

The limit is 100 names. It is a best practice to use dynamic lists instead. Dynamic lists will generally perform better because they are designed to index and handle larger lists.


What is the limit of rows exported in an Excel export

By default, RTP limits the number of rows in an Excel (CSV) export to 100.  If you need more rows than that, you can increase it by going to User Settings and changing the value for 'Number of Rows in Excel Export.'  The maximum allowed is 10,000 rows



What is the limit of Zip Codes allowed

You can enter up to 6,500 zip codes. They must be separated by semicolons (01234;12345; etc.)



What is the limit of segments allowed

The segment limit varies: it can be 30, 60, or unlimited depending on your Marketo subscription type. If you have reached your subscription's limit, you will want to clear out segments that are not being used.


If you get an error message saying you've reached your limit, yet you believe your subscription makes you eligible for more segments, contact Marketo Support.