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Sometimes you'll need to see what your campaign looks like live on your website without customers being able to see it. Sandboxing allows you to match a segment and see the campaign live by targeting a specific term added into the URL. Since leads won't randomly guess the value and alter the URL, it's safe to test on a live site. Here's how you do it.
1. Create a new 'Sandbox' segment and call it "Sandbox=1"
Add the Included Pages filter and enter *sandbox=1* as the value for the URL matches.
2. Create a campaign called: "Sandbox=1" (or alter the campaign you're working on) to use the "Sandbox=1" segment.
3. Go to the webpage you're testing with. Let the page load fully.
4. Add ?sandbox=1 at the end of the URL and hit enter.
5. Verify whether the sandbox campaign is being displayed.
Troubleshooting Web Personalization (RTP) - RTP Tag
All pages, all domains, all sub-domains and landing pages need to have the RTP tag in the code in order for it to work properly.
Each domain that is configured in your instance will have its own unique script tag. If you use the wrong one in the wrong place, your campaigns will not execute as planned.
1. Go to 'Account Settings'
2. Make sure the tag is enabled
Navigate to your site and open the developer's tool Console panel.
Check for any errors such as this:
In Zone campaigns utilize a Zone ID to identify where the RTP campaign should be inserted into the body of the page. This is the Div ID in the HTML code of you website.
Verify the Div ID exists in the HTML code on the page where the campaign should be displayed. Even small differences in the Div ID will cause it to not match, resulting in the campaign not displaying.
When viewing you list of segments, make sure that there have actually been matches. If your segment hasn't matched any leads, there's no way the campaign can be called to action
Segments can be set to only apply to certain domains configured in your instance. If your segment is only applying to one of multiple domains you need, that would stop the segments from matching very often, and stop the the associated campaign from being called to action.
When using the "Exclude ISP" filter, it's important to make sure when testing that you aren't showing up as an ISP. The network you're on plays a very big part in how you appear to the RTP system.
If you have a location filter in use, you could be not matching the segment because the filter thinks you're coming from a different location based on your network's settings.
If the campaign is set for a specific target URL and you aren't viewing that exact page, the campaign will not display.
JavaScript running inside of an RTP campaign can cause conflicts. Try removing the JavaScript and testing it. If the campaign displays as it should, then you know the JavaScript caused the issues.