Troubleshooting REST API Error: read ECONNRESET


Learn how to troubleshoot the REST API Error: read ECONNRESET.


You are getting the following HTTP error when attempting to call the associated REST API. 



This error might occur because of issues on the local network or HTTP client config. Here are some possible causes of this error.

  • HTTP Client Configuration Issues: The error may occur due to incorrect, incomplete, or incompatible settings in your HTTP client. To align your HTTP client settings with the Marketo REST API requirements, you should review and update your HTTP client settings.
  • Proxy Server or Configuration Problems: If you use a proxy server, its configuration may result in an HTTP error. Verify your proxy server settings and consult your network administrator for accurate configuration if necessary.
  • Faulty Network Equipment: Issues with hardware such as switches and routers, particularly if they are malfunctioning or improperly configured, can cause the problem. You should investigate the status and settings of your networking devices to determine if this is the issue.




To resolve this issue:
  • Review and adjust your HTTP client's configuration to match the Marketo REST API specifications.
  • Check your proxy server settings and consult your network administrator if needed.
  • Examine network equipment for faults or incorrect configurations.