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Issue Description Customize call outcomes in Salesforce   Issue Resolution 1. Go to your Setup page in Salesforce   2. Customize > Activities > Task Fields 3. Click into Subject field 4. From here, you can add/remove/re-order all the options 5. Then, you will see this custom list in Tout when completing a call   Who This Solution Applies To ToutApp customers Is this article helpful ? YesNo
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Yes. You can sync down new fields to Marketo as long as the sync user has access to these fields. You can sync down new fields by going to Admin > Microsoft Dynamics > Field Sync Details. Please note that we will only be syncing new values for these fields, we don’t do complete initial sync for this field. For options to do a complete initial sync for a particular field, please contact support.
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Issue Do users within a Marketo instance get automatically subscribed to receive emails about upcoming Marketo webinars? Solution Users with a login in Marketo are not automatically subscribed to receive emails about upcoming Marketo webinars. The users would need to subscribe to the communications by filling up a form on any Marketo landing pages (e.g.    
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Issue Description You receive an error in ToutApp - "IMAP access is disabled for your domain. Please contact your domain administrator for questions about this feature. (Failure)" Issue Resolution This due to an invalid Gmail connection For this error message to be resolved, we recommend looping in with your Gmail Administrator regarding the IMAP access of your domain and whether or not it can be enabled. See the link below for additional reference on this for your Gmail Administrator:
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Attached to this article is a PHP implementation of Marketo's SOAP API.  This is unsupported, but you can use it freely as a starting point for building your own SOAP API client. Learn more: Marketo SOAP API
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Add the below code to a custom HTML block, update the name in bold  to the name of the field. Replace the **** with the word "script" <**** type="text/javascript"> (document).getElementsByName('FIELDNAME')[0].removeAttribute('checked'); </*****> Please ensure that you have access to an experienced JavaScript developer. Marketo Technical Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting JavaScript. Here's a sample page:
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Issue You want to change the description of an email template after the template has been created.   Solution To update the email template description, follow these steps: Go to Design Studio > Emails > Templates. Click the name of the template. Hover your mouse cursor over the name of the template. When a pencil appears beside it, click the name of the template to change it to an editable field. Write in the desired name of the template. Click the Save button.
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Issue Leads with the same first and last name are not showing up in the Possible Duplicates list. Solution For leads to be in Possible Duplicates, they need to have the same email address which is the unique identifier in Marketo.  This is the only matching that Marketo does. If the first and last name are the same and one is missing the email address or has a different email address, Marketo will not recognize this as a duplicate.
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Issue You are trying to edit an existing email template, and it has the status of "Approved with Draft" However the draft is not showing up in menu tree and when you try to edit and save, you get the error "Not Allowed – Template already has a draft." Solution Issue Resolution Refresh the browser or check is the draft is opened in another window. Try logging out and logging back in Try using a different browser to check it further Check if there is a template with the same name that exists elsewhere (Design Studio) Rename the template and check if that is working If the issue persists, please reach out to Marketo Support for further assistance    
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Issue You would like to know which partition a record that was captured by using "Forward to a friend link" in an email will be created in. Solution The record will be created under the partition which is associated with the work space under which the email asset is present. The record will not be created under the default partition.  For example, if you have a workspace named "Asia" which is connected with the partition named "APAC", then leads created via Forward-to-Friend links in emails stored in the "Asia" will be created in the "APAC" partition.
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Issue Issue Description When attempting to add an additional Facebook or LinkedIn Launchpoint service, it does not appear as an option in the drop down.     Solution Issue Resolution While we only support one Launchpoint service for each integration type, we support multiple accounts through the Launchpoint service that the customer adds. The user account that is used to authenticate the service will need to have the appropriate permissions to each business page that is going to be used by the instance.
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Issue Issue Description When using a Velocity scripted my.token, the default value is not being used if the field the Velocity script is pointing to is not populated.   Solution Issue Resolution The reason for this is because Velocity script isn't designed to consider a default value the way that a lead token would. It's designed to execute the code to provide the rendered value. Although the UI specifies to look for a default, that's ignored by design since the code itself is only looking for the value for those leads. If the goal is for it to evaluate and provide a known value, otherwise then render a specified default, that needs to be built into the Velocity script code itself.  
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Issue Google Adwords gives the error message " This Google AdWords account is already connected to Marketo and can only be used once. Revoke access in your Google account settings and try again." Solution 1. Click on the Gear Menu in Adwords and Click on "Account Access" tab under account settings. 2. Under Actions menu, Select "Edit Google accounts info" for the Adwords user credentials used in Marketo 3. That will bring up a separate page - 4. In the "Sign-in & security" page there's a "Connected apps & sites" section that lists all of the apps connected to the account - one of them should be Marketo. 5. Clicking the "Manage Apps" link should bring up a list of apps, and clicking on the Marketo app should give you the option to Remove. 6. Once removed, you should be able to reauthorize the account in Marketo.    
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Issue You are trying to manually edit a lead record to remove the value of the Email field but the change doesn't save.     Solution Marketo enforces this as a required field for deduplication purposes and won't allow a direct manual edit as a preventative measure. Removing the field can create duplicates, so it's generally recommended that instead of removing the field you maintain the record in your CRM or mark this record as marketing suspended to avoid inadvertent communications. However, if you need to remove the value there are two workarounds to this issue. 1) Create a smart campaign with smart list criteria that isolates that specific lead record, with a Change Data Value flow step. Specify Email as the attribute and the New Value as NULL. This will clear out the value for that field. 2) You can remove the email address from that record in your CRM. Marketo treats your CRM as the source of authority, so removing that value in your CRM will sync down to Marketo during the next sync cycle.    
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Issue You want to set a field such as "Country" to be required on a list import. Solution You cannot require a field to be included on a list import. To see any leads imported recently with blank values you can setup a Smart List with a subscription Filters -- Lead was created Source Type - Import [Field you are wanting to watch] is Empty You could setup a daily subscription to get the leads who qualify and then correct those leads as needed.    
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Issue What happens if you log off (close) Marketo when importing a large amount of data through list import? Will it be processed or resume when you log back in? Solution It will keep running if you log off.  Next time when you have a large list to import, we would recommend sending a notification to yourself.  There is a little box you can put your email address in right when you start the import, it will email you when the import is done.        
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Issue An attempt is made to add an API user to a 2nd instance and we get the error "This userid is in use. Choose another email." Solution API Users are unique to an instance and cannot make use of the Universal ID feature. 
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Issue When using the "Sync to Salesforce" flow step and setting up choices, selecting "Do Nothing" uses the Auto-Assignment Rules in Salesforce. Solution This is expected. For this flow step, the choices are basically asking whether the record should be assigned to a specific person or not. When it is not specified (i.e., "Do nothing") the assumption is that you still want the record to be synced to Salesforce, otherwise they would not be in that step, but that there's no particular desire to assign it to a specific person. Thus, since SFDC records need someone to be the owner, the Auto-Assign rules are used by default  
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Issue You need to filter leads who were sent an email by time zone to confirm the Recipient Time Zone feature is working correctly for all leads. Solution The "Was Sent Email" and "Opened Email" filters do include the constraint "Date of Activity" but it is not that granular. You can get granular to the minutes, but you can only select "in past: 5 minutes" for example, not a specific time or date range. One workaround would be to View Results for the Email Program and filter for the "Send Email" activity. You could export the results to a spreadsheet to make sure people are being sent emails at the correct time.    
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Issue When you try to drag and drop elements (form, rectangle, etc) into a free-form landing page, nothing happens.     Solution If the free-form template is not mobile compatible, you may experience this issue. Please make the template mobile compatible to fix it. Refer this article to make the existing free-form template mobile compatible: Link -    
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