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Summary duplicate records with the same email across lead partitions can be affected by uploaded custom object activity Issue System not separating lead partitions for custom object imports Uploading custom object activity affects duplicate records across partitions Custom Object activity import writing to the most recently updated record regardless of partition Solution Use the following workaround:  Run an update on the records that should be affected by the custom object activities import. This will make sure they are the most recently updated records among the duplicates Root Cause Normally when you do a list import, it would import into the one partition, whatever partition the list is located in and only impact the record in that one instance.  But when you import a Custom Object, it's able the see ALL the records across ALL the partitions.  If there are duplicate records, it just looks to see which one was updated most recently and grabs that one for the list import. So if you have lead record in A with Add to Custom Object already completed and you re-import again but the lead record in B has been updated more recently and has NOT had the custom object added to it, you get the duplicate "Add to Custom Object" activity. Environment Multiple lead partitions with duplicate records across them Custom Object activity import
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Issue Issue Description You are unable to check any emails to select in the Email Filter section in the Setup tab of your report ( when Global Reporting is enabled (   Solution Issue Resolution When using the Global Reporting feature in a report, you can only view a report for all emails across workspaces. You cannot filter the report to include only certain emails.  
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Issue You want to know if it's possible to have the same folder name in both the Default workspace and another workspace.     Solution You cannot have the same folder name in different worksapces. For example, if you have a folder in your Default workspace named "Test" and then you try to create another folder called "Test" in a different workspace, this will not work. The same thing will happen if you try to clone a program to a different workspace and you use the exact same file name. When you are creating new folders or cloning programs, you must use a unique name.
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