Target Account Management (previously ABM) FAQ - Product Facts and Figures


Included in this article



How many total named accounts can I have within Marketo TAM?

  • There is no limit from a product perspective.



How many account lists can be created?

  • 1,000



How many Named Accounts can be added to the Account List?

  • 500



Is Marketo TAM Workspace specific?

  • No. Named Accounts are visible to all the Workspaces. But Lead Partition rules are still honored. Which means you can see a named account in multiple Workspaces but depending on the Lead Partition rules, you can only see leads belonging to the corresponding Workspace within that named account.



Which lead attributes are used for Lead-to-Account Matching?

  • It is based on 3 lead attributes: Email Domain, IP Address and Company Name. We convert Email Domain and IP address to the Company Names and match all 3 to identify strong and weak matches.



How are strong lead matches to Named Accounts determined?

  • When the Company Name matches 3 out of 3, or 2 out of 3 times, then we consider this a strong match.



How are weak lead matches to Named Accounts determined?

  • When the Company Name matches only 1 out of 3 times, then we consider this a weak match.



How can you make Marketo TAM automatically associate leads to Named Accounts?

  • When you create a Named Account from any of the Discover grids, Marketo creates rules which then going forward are used to do automatic association of leads from the company to Named Accounts.



Do I see all the CRM accounts in the Discover CRM grid?

  • Yes, all the CRM accounts that are synced in Marketo show up here



Does the number of CRM accounts match the number of CRM accounts shown in Discover CRM grid?

  • Not necessarily. Marketo ABM does light de-duplication by CRM account names.
  • First, we remove company suffixes before matching to company names. (Ex: Co, Corp, Corporation, Gmbh, Inc, Incorporated, LLC, LLP, LP, Ltd, PA, PC, PLC, PLLC).
  • Second, we merge companies or CRM accounts in Marketo with duplicate names (not case sensitive)



What does the Discover Marketo Companies grid show?

  • This grid shows all the CRM accounts as well as Marketo Companies that we found in the Marketo lead database.



What happens if I delete Named Accounts?

  • None of the leads associated with the Named Accounts will be deleted. You can always go back to the Discover Companies grid and re-create the Named Account.



Can I merge duplicate companies or CRM accounts manually in Marketo?

  • Yes. You can use Discover Marketo Companies to do that.



How is the week-over-week engagement over time chart determined and how frequently it is calculated?

  • We take daily account scores and show the maximum account score for that week.
  • This chart is calculated every 8 hours.



How is the week-over-week pipeline chart determined and how frequently it is calculated?

  • We add the total sum for the 'Amount' of all opportunities except closed-won and closed-lost. We show opportunity amount on last day of the week.
  • This chart is calculated every 24 hours.



How is the week-over-week revenue chart determined and how frequently it is calculated?

  • We add the total sum of the 'Amount' of all the closed-won opportunities on a weekly basis.
  • This chart is calculated every 24 hours.



Does Marketo TAM backfill data for engagement over time charts?

  • No. Engagement is tracked from the time Named Accounts are created. We don't backfill.



How far back can I see engagement over time, pipeline and revenue charts?

  • 90 Days.



How far back are email and web activities calculated for?

  • 30 Days.



How is pipeline determined?

  • Pipeline is calculated as a sum total of 'Amount' for all open opportunities except closed-won and closed-lost in CRM accounts.



How frequently are account scores calculated?

  • Every 30 minutes.



How is Currency calculated?

  • Currency is the Subscription currency. Marketo ABM does not covert the currency.



Does Marketo TAM support Account hierarchy?

  • Not in this current version, but it is planned for future versions.




Additional Documentation

Here are some links to related Documentation that you may find useful:


Target Account Management (previously ABM) - Troubleshooting Tips

Target Account Management Overview - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Issue a License - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Permissions - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Configure CRM Mapping - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Account Score - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Account Lists - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Add People to a Named Account - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Discover Accounts - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Lead to Account Matching - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Named Accounts - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Account Filters - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Account Triggers - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM Main Dashboard - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Account List Insights - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Named Account Dimension in RCA - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

TAM - Named Account Insights - Marketo Docs - Product Docs

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