Also specified are the fields that can be updated by Marketo. The rest of the listed fields only need to be "Read-only" for the purposes of the sync.
If any of these fields are not visible to the Marketo Sync user, you will see sync failures indicating that a required field is missing. To fix this, have your SFDC admin update the permissions level for the field(s) for the sync user's profile.
Fields: IsConverted, ConvertedDate, ConvertedAccountId, ConvertedContactId, ConvertedOpportunityId, status, OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, Name, Email, (Company, Owner.Name)
Can be updated from Marketo: status, Name (via first/middle/last name), Email.
Fields: AccountId, OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, Name, Email, (Owner.Name, Account.Name)
Can be updated from Marketo: Name (via first/middle/last name), Email
Fields: OwnerId, IsDeleted, MasterRecordId, Id, SystemModstamp, CreatedDate, ParentId, Name
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your account records.
If two-way sync is turned on (e.g. for Person Accounts), Marketo can update Name.
Fields: AccountId, CreatedDate, Email, Id, ManagerId, SystemModstamp, UserType
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your user records.
Fields: Id, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp, AccountId, CampaignId, CreatedDate, IsClosed, IsDeleted, IsPrivate, IsWon, Name, OwnerId, Probability, StageName, SystemModstamp, (LastModifiedDate)
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your opportunities.
Opportunity Contact Role
Fields: ContactId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, IsPrimary, OpportunityId, SystemModstamp
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to the contact roles for your opportunities.
Fields: Id, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp, CampaignMemberRecordTypeId, CreatedDate, IsActive, IsDeleted, Name, OwnerId, ParentId, Status, Type
Sync is one-way only by default so Marketo doesn't make changes to your SFDC campaigns.
Campaign Member
CampaignId, ContactId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, LeadId, Status, SystemModstamp
Can be updated from Marketo: Status
Campaign Member Status
Fields: CampaignId, CreatedDate, Id, IsDefault, IsDeleted, SystemModstamp
Fields: Status, SystemModstamp, IsDeleted, CreatedDate, WhoId, OwnerId, WhatId, AccountId, IsClosed, IsArchived, IsReminderSet, RecurrenceActivityId, IsRecurrence, Id, SystemModstamp, Subject
Fields: CreatedDate, Id, IsDeleted, OwnerId, Subject, SystemModstamp, WhoId
Who This Solution Applies To
All instances with a native SFDC integration.