Setting Up Secured Domains for Marketo Landing Pages - ADDING NEW SUBDOMAIN


NOTE: To secure your Marketo landing pages requires either Marketo SSL for Landing Pages (obsolete service) or Secured Domains for Landing Pages. Please contact your Marketo Customer Success Manager for more information or to purchase.


If you have already secured your Marketo landing pages with Secured Domains for Landing Pages and now need to add additional subdomains to be served securely, please follow the steps below:

Step 1. Create your new subdomains (CNAMEs and Domain Aliases)

To secure a new subdomain, please create the CNAME(s) and domain alias(es) in your instance. For more information on this, please see: Add Additional Landing Page CNAMEs.


Step 2. Submit a support case to secure your new subdomain

Once you’ve created the new subdomain (CNAME and domain alias), please click the link below to create a support case.


Marketo login required.

  1. Select Case Type - "Help me setup/create"
  2. Select Case Issue - "System Configuration"
  3. If you have multiple instances, please provide us with the Munchkin Code (Found in Admin > Munchkin) of the instance that is ready. Format ###-XXX-###.


Marketo will have any additional certificate(s) generated and loaded to cover the new subdomain(s). This step may take up to 3-business days. Marketo will contact you when this step has been completed.


STEP 3: Create New Landing Pages

Once you receive confirmation that the subdomain has been added, you can now create new HTTPS landing pages. Please be sure all images, JavaScript files and other external links in your landing pages are HTTPS. If you previously created landing pages, please review each of these and update all references to HTTPS. Please contact Marketo Support with any issues you may encounter.


If you purchased the SSL for Landing Pages service, you may need to upgrade to Secured Domains for Landing Pages, our new solution to secure landing pages.  Please contact your Marketo Customer Success Manager to add Secured Domains for Landing Pages to you subscription. Please note, with this upgrade, Marketo will provide the required certificate(s) and manage their ongoing approval.