Sales Insight Report By Sales Rep formats by Template Instead


Sales Insight Email Performance Report grouped by Sales Rep exports file sorted by template rather then by sales rep. 


  •  Sales Insight Email Performance Report grouped by Sales Rep exports file sorted by template rather then by sales rep. 
  • Subscription email displays report grouped by email template as wel
  •  Report within the Marketo UI will show as expected


  •  The current workaround exists for the CSV exported. 
          1. Export the report to a CSV
          2. Format Columns A (Sales Rep) and B (Email Name) to sort A to Z in order to get a view by sales rep.

Root Cause

  • This issue is scheduled to be addressed and resolved in the 2021 Q2 release


  •  Sales Insight for Salesforce
  • This issue occurs within the subscription email that gets sent out of the report
  •  This issue occurs when exporting the report to a CSV file

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