Issue Key | Issue Summary |
LM-49492 | Apostrophe Translation error in calendar entries |
LM-49223 | Behavior in text tokens |
LM-49111 | LM-48255 - Timezone showing incorrectly in 'Preparing to Run' field of schedule tab |
LM-49045 | mkt_tok causing double && in links with parameters |
LM-48775 | UI : Opportunity Text overlapping in Analyzer |
LM-48543 | Forms 2.0 on IE browsers - required fields pop up tool tip unexpectedly |
LM-47779 | web page constraint on filled out form filter is ignored if value is invalid. |
LM-47312 | LM-41575 Program analyzer : Program names do not appear when a non-English language is chosen |
LM-44272 | unable to clone landing pages from landing page list in Design Studio |
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Fixes released for September 2014
Issue Key | Issue Summary |
LM-47761 | Form 2.0 field uneditable and UI issue |
LM-47561 | Visibility rules for field A do not include custom field B unless field B has a label |
LM-47559 | analytics email performance report showing first and last activity dates in the future 2015 & 2016 for AUS settings |
LM-47354 | Smart list is not pulling specifically from customer site |
LM-47318 | LM-41574 Program analyzer : Program Parameters not Localized |
LM-47304 | LM-41574 - SFDC Flow action details have not been translated to French |
LM-47034 | Form Checkbox CSS not applied to all Checkboxes |
LM-46331 | LM-43388 - Bandaid error in My Marketo after a favorite asset is deleted |
LM-37664 | List import modal randomly changes names |
LM-36239 | Cannot view entire Email list in record's in MSI Email tab |